Chapter 107 - Family Secrets

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Summary: Lapha's biology research causes her to stumble on a family secret, raising serious concern among her siblings.

It was early evening in Goron City, and Daruk sighed as he lay down in the Goron Hot Springs, having just finished his after-dinner exercise. Another Goron he knew was in the springs nearby.

"Hi, Gandon," said Daruk. "You doing okay?"

"Yes, pretty well, Lord Daruk," said Gandon. "Just taking some time to relax. You doing well?"

"I'm just working out some of the aches and pains after getting in a little exercise after dinner," said Daruk.

"Good idea," said Gandon. "I should exercise more myself."

"Do you still work as a guard these days?" said Daruk. "I haven't rolled into you lately."

"No, I retired a few months ago," said Gandon. "My son Hendon is a guard now, though."

"Well, congratulations," said Daruk. "You know, now that you're retired, it's important that you keep active, keep rolling. That's the key to keep from getting too stiff."

"I hear you, and thanks," said Gandon. "How is your son Darno doing?"

"He's great," said Daruk. "As my little Hylian buddy put it, he's a chip off the old block. Just not as big a chip, ha, ha. Funny, huh? But yeah, he's grown into a fine young man, and I'm proud of him."

"That's great," said Gandon. "By your Hylian buddy, you mean Link? Do you see him much?"

"Link, yeah. He was here a little less than a year ago," said Daruk. "We mostly keep in touch by Tab these days. He's got a big family and likes to stay with them. And I don't blame him as it's tough for Hylians here. They're too thin-skinned to take the heat. And he does have a great family."

"He married the Zora Champion, Mipha, right?" said Gandon.

"That he did," said Daruk. "And a more loving couple you could never meet. I could tell little Mipha had a huge crush on Link from the way she used to steal glances at him. But Link was as blind as a stone, forever worrying about his duty. Anyway, that was a long time ago, well over thirty years now. We did have some good laughs back then, though."

"We, especially old-timers like me, really admire and respect all you did for us," said Gandon. "We can't thank you enough."

"Thanks, that's nice to hear," said Daruk. "But yeah, I wish I could see my old chums more often. If we ever get that fast transportation finished, I might try to visit them. As I said, their coming here is a pain for them, almost literally."

"Funny, you should say that, but I hear tourism has been picking up lately," said Gandon. "Especially Hylians. My son, Hendon, says there have been a lot of Hylian travelers visiting here. It's surprising."

"Yeah, that is, isn't it?" Said Daruk. "Not that it's a bad thing. We can always use the business."

Then Daruk scratched his head.

"But I'll have to ask my little buddy if he can think of a reason why more Hylians would want to visit now," said Daruk. "Anyway, I think I've soaked enough for now. Good night, Gandon. And keep on rolling!"

"Good night, Lord Daruk," said Gandon. "And the same to you."

It was early evening in Hyrule Castle as Lapha was sitting with Princess Astra. Lapha was about to take a sample of Astra's blood.

"Will it hurt?" said Astra.

"You won't even feel it," said Lapha. "This device pulls a tiny sample of blood through the skin and doesn't hurt at all. I've already taken a sample from your mother, father, and sister, and they were all fine."

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