Chapter 39: Hyrule Renaissance - Part 1

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Summary: With a ruler who loves science and the possible reunion of long-lost colleagues, Hyrule works to achieve a golden age reminiscent of ancient times. Meanwhile, Mipha's and Link's older children enter young adulthood.

"Why do guards have to follow me everywhere, Mom?" said Mila. "How do you expect me to have any friends?"

Mila and Midon had turned 18 and had recently begun their growth spurt, which was actually younger than average. They were both about Link's height now. And Mila was having issues balancing privacy with security.

"I'm sorry Mila, but we already discussed this," said Mipha. "You're the future Queen, and the Royal Guards need to keep you safe. That's their sworn duty. You can go anywhere within the Domain on your own, but if you go outside the Domain, you have to be guarded. Hyrule may be safer now, but there will always be some evil in the world. I can ask the guards to offer you as much privacy as possible. But they can't simply leave you alone."

"You know, Mom, nothing ruins a special moment more than having a guard suddenly check on you," said Mila.

"Would you like to tell me about the special moment that was ruined?" said Mipha.

Mila seemed unsure what to say so Mipha continued.

"I assume we're talking about romantic moments?" said Mipha." You shouldn't be having any serious 'special moments' at your age. You're still too young."

"Don't worry, Mom," said Mila." The way I'm guarded I've never had any serious special moments and probably never will. I bet you and Dad didn't have guards around you all the time."

"I was much older than you then," said Mipha. "And sometimes we did have guards if I went anywhere after dark."

"Well, what about parties?" said Mila.

"You can go to parties here in the Domain," said Mipha. "Which is more than I was allowed to do, by the way. The guards will use their judgment as to where to watch from. I think I am being very fair."

"Well don't blame me if I can never find the right person," said Mila. "I'm condemned to a life alone."

"Oh, Mila, stop being so dramatic," said Mipha. "Trust me, when the right person comes along things will work out despite a couple of guards hovering in the background. But you're way too young to be thinking about the right person. You're barely past childhood."

"Fine," said Mila as she left.

"I think our older two are starting to have boyfriend and girlfriend issues," said Mipha later to Link. "And I know how hard that is when you have no privacy. I'll speak to the Captain of the Royal Guards to see if she can ease off the closeness of their protection a little. But in the end, it's up to her and the other guards. They're the ones sworn to protect all of us, and I can't order them not to do their duty."

"Yes, I understand," said Link. "With us, I resented losing our spontaneous trysts at the Lake. And I remember we sometimes had to stay in the Domain just to avoid your father assigning you a chaperone. What about Midon? Has he complained?"

"No, I think Midon is letting Mila speak for him because he thinks Mila is more persuasive," said Mipha. "And speaking of that, I know Mila can flip you over her fin by gazing at you with her pretty golden eyes and pouting. You need to back me up on things I tell her."

"I will," said Link. "You don't have to worry about that."

"Right," scoffed Mipha. "We'll see."

Link did have to admit it took a lot of willpower for him to say 'No' to Mila, especially when she gazed at him with what Mipha called her pretty golden eyes. She gave you a feeling that doing what she wanted was really doing what you wanted. There had always been something hypnotic about her eyes. And come to think of it, Lapha was pretty much the same way.

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