Chapter 146 - Happy Family

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Summary: Queen Zelda visits Zora's Domain, has some fun in the water, and makes plans for some future family trips together. Link discusses with Mila possibly bringing this story to a close, though Mipha offers an alternative.

It was sunny midday in Zora's Domain, and Queen Zelda, Mipha, Link, Astra, Tila, Linky, and Tara were picnicking by Mikau Lake. Tara and Astra were playing in the water nearby, Tila and Linky were in the water together above the first waterfall, out of sight and probably kissing. At the same time, Zelda, Mipha, and Link sat together on a picnic blanket under a tree.

"That was delicious, Mipha," said Zelda as she swallowed the last bite of a sweet treat. "I never knew you baked."

"It's Mipha's specialty, and I love it," said Link as he smiled at Mipha.

"Come, Zelda," said Mipha, holding out her hand. "We told you to wear your swimsuit for a reason. You haven't lived until you swim up a waterfall and then dive back down."

"I'm glad I'm younger now," laughed Zelda as she rose and took Mipha's hand, then began walking toward the water.

"Come on, sweetheart," said Mipha as she turned to Link. "Some after lunch exercise will do you good too."

Link rose and joined them in the water. Astra stopped playing to watch.

"I've never seen my Mom go up a waterfall," said Astra.

"I'm sure she'll love it," said Tara. "Everyone does."

"Just hold my hand," said Mipha. "And try not to laugh too much, or you'll swallow water."

Zelda nodded as she gripped Mipha's hand tighter. Then Mipha jumped into the waterfall and swam up as Zelda couldn't help but laugh, turning her head to the side to avoid the splashing. They surged upward and landed together with a graceful twist and a splash, surprising Tila and Linky. Then Zelda held her chest and took deep breaths as she composed herself. Link landed in the water a moment later.

"That was amazing, Mipha!" Zelda exclaimed finally after catching her breath. "I loved it!"

"Isn't it fun?" laughed Link. "Now, you know why I married Mipha."

"Don't make me tickle you, sweetheart," laughed Mipha as she splashed Link in the face and everyone laughed.

"I'm glad you encouraged me to visit, Link," said Zelda. "I'm having a great time! At first, I thought perhaps I would intrude upon your time with Astra, and I did not want to do that."

"Not at all, Zelda," said Link. "I think Astra's happier when we're all together as a family."

"She's certainly taken to Tara," said Zelda. "It's cute to see them play together. I can see Astra treats Tara like her little sister, taking her hand and explaining things to her. It reminds me of how Zelda treated Astra growing up."

"They both have fun whenever Astra visits," said Link. "They play games, tell each other sleep time stories. It's good for Tara to have someone closer to her age to play with as long as Astra is willing to do it."

"Are you ready to dive down the falls together, Zelda?" said Mipha.

"Okay, I guess," said Zelda, taking another deep breath.

"We'll have you diving off Shatterback Point soon, Zelda," laughed Link.

"I think that will be quite a while yet, Prince Link," laughed Zelda as she took Mipha's hand.

They walked to the edge of the falls. Then Mipha did a controlled dive down the waterfall, holding Zelda's hand, and Link followed them down.

"Nice Mom!" shouted Astra as Zelda and Mipha landed together with a splash.

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