Chapter 88 - Desert Sorcery - Part 4

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Summary: Link finishes sailing with Astra as he ponders how to handle this unexpected turn of events. Then Link travels back to Zora's Domain with Mipha, and the next day explains what happened and answers her questions.

Link sat on the small sailboat with Astra on his lap. They were navigating the area in the Hyrule Castle Moat north of the docks, and Astra was having fun making the boat zig-zag as she moved the rudder back and forth.

"You're going to make us both dizzy," laughed Link. "Oh, and please don't use that new trick you just learned on the rudder, or you'll dump both of us into the water."

"Okay, Uncle Link," Astra giggled.

The last thing Link needed was a flurry rush with the boat's rudder.

"When can we sail on the river, Uncle Link?" said Astra. "When I go to the park, I like to watch the fish there."

"Why don't I take you on the river the next time I visit," said Link. "I'll check if it's okay with your parents. I will try to come back next weekend. Would you like that?"

"Yes! Promise?" said Astra.

And she pulled the rudder hard in her excitement causing Link to grab the side of the boat as it veered suddenly.

"I can't promise, but I will try my very best," said Link. "You're very special to me, Astra, and I love being with you. And seeing the fish up close will be fun."

Astra steered the boat a while longer, then started getting tired.

"Can you steer now?" said Astra.

"Of course, sweetheart," said Link.

Link took the rudder, and Astra leaned back against him. A few minutes later, she was fast asleep. Link trimmed the sail, then held onto her with one hand and the rudder with the other. She was the same adorable little girl he remembered who often took afternoon naps, and he let go of the rudder for a moment to brush some soft blonde hair from her face.

She was identical to his child with Zelda. But was she really his child? As far as he knew nobody else in his family had his flurry rush ability except two of his four children. Rudin didn't have it. Could his grandfather or Rudin's father have had that skill? He didn't remember Rudin's father, his uncle, and he never met his grandfather. But that would be the only other explanation, that the ability had skipped generations. Nobody would believe a fantastic story about Hylia intervening to pull Link's child from another timeline into this one. But if it wasn't his child, then why was she identical in every way? It made no sense otherwise. She must be his daughter.

But even assuming she was his daughter, what should he do about it? That came down to what was best for Astra, and what was best for her was for him to do nothing. What would be the point of Link claiming he was Astra's father after the child had already spent four years with her current family? Both Zelda and Rudin would be incredulous and insulted. They would think he was mad, and so would everyone else.

No, what was undoubtedly best for Astra was to leave things just as they were and let her grow up in a loving family. Perhaps someday, when she was all grown, and if somehow he knew for sure she was his, then it might be time to tell her. Or maybe not even then. It would depend on whether that knowledge would help or hurt her. In the meantime, whether she was his daughter or his niece, he was enjoying having her asleep on his lap as the boat drifted slowly across the water.

He leaned down and gently kissed her on the forehead, then smiled. It was funny, his little girl saying she wanted to grow up to be a hero like him someday. She must really admire him. And then he paused. Was that really so ridiculous? Could that be part of Hylia's little joke? The hero had always been a boy from all the stories and legends he had ever learned. But he wondered what Ganon would make of a pair of sisters ready to do battle with him, both with the blood of the Goddess he hated so much, one with her sealing power and the other with the sword of evil's bane. What a fantastic story that would make! But fortunately it wasn't likely Ganon would return in Astra's lifetime, so it didn't matter. But wouldn't it be amazing if the sword that seals the darkness chose her as its keeper when she was older? It seemed impossible. But was it? He looked down at her, and she was still sound asleep.

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