Chapter 60 - Live In My World - Part 1

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Summary: After their victory over Ganon's creation, Link returns with Mipha to Zora's Domain and is finally free to experience Zora life without dawn to dusk combat training. Mipha is thrilled and plans to enjoy to the fullest this special time with Link. In the meantime, they agree to avoid discussing the choice Link must make in six months. Their first trip together is a visit to Lurelin Village, their honeymoon spot. Link finally experiences love as a Zora feels it.

It was near sunset, and Mipha and Link sat on top of Ruta, their arms around each other. Ruta started gently slowing to a stop in East Reservoir Lake, sending waves rippling across the water and frightening several ducks that flew squawking into the air. They could see five people they knew well on the northwest pier waving to them and awaiting their return. Mipha had sent her family a message when Ruta was getting close, and all the family, excluding King Dorephan himself, had gathered there to welcome them home. Mipha brought Ruta to a full stop in the middle of the lake, and Ruta bellowed her acknowledgment, the sound echoing off the nearby cliffs. Then, as was her habit, Mipha showed her affection for Ruta by gently patting her on the head. After waving back to everyone, she and Link eased their way down to the entrance. Mipha then closed up Ruta, and it was a short swim to the pier, an effortless swim now for Link as a Zora.

"Welcome home!" everyone shouted as Mipha and Link pulled themselves onto the dock. There were hugs and kisses all around.

"You did it, Mom & Dad!" said Midon. "We heard the news. The whole Domain is excited that Zoras were the ones who defeated the enemy. And you're both being hailed as heroes."

"They're already heroes, Mido," said Lapha. "They're just bigger heroes now. Right, Dad?"

Link laughed.

"Yes, I guess we are," said Link. "But the important thing is Hyrule is rid of that loathsome creature, and the waters of Lake Hylia will soon return to their natural purity once more."

"Father has planned a meal with all of us," said Sidon. "I know he is anxious to see you, so we should go."

They made their way down the stairway. Sidon moved closer to Mipha and spoke quietly.

"Father was very worried about you two," said Sidon. "He was afraid Link would not master combat as one of us, and you would both fall to Ganon's creation. I tried to reassure him that you had trained Link well and believed he was ready. But I think he still had his doubts. Anyway, Father almost literally jumped for joy when you called that all was well. And so did I."

"I know Father always worries about us," said Mipha. "But thanks for telling me. Link did superbly and bore the brunt of the battle. He just had some bad luck at the very end. But I was there for him, just as I always want to be. We destroyed the enemy together."

They reached the throne room, where King Dorephan had a dining table set up for their dinner.

"Mipha, Link, congratulations!" said King Dorephan. "Soon after your call, Mipha, the news went out that you two had destroyed that evil thing at the bottom of Lake Hylia. Zelda was quoted as saying it was a very heroic deed and another example of Zora support for Hyrule. All of us in the Domain are very proud of you both. And, to be frank, I am also very relieved you are both home safe, and we can celebrate together."

"Yes, it was a long ordeal, mostly getting ready for the enemy," said Link. "And your daughter is the real hero, relentlessly preparing me for combat, and finishing the creature off at the very end. She is truly a worthy Champion of our people, and you should be very proud of her."

"I am very proud of my remarkable daughter, and have been for a long time," said King Dorephan. "But it is always nice to hear her praises, even from someone who is hardly unbiased. Come, let's have dinner now."

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