Chapter 155 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 4

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Summary: Battles continue throughout Hyrule. Mila explains to her parents what happened to Linky. The Gerudo use Naboris to contain one of the corrupted shrines. At Zelda's request, Daruk agrees to use Rudania to target one of the shrines. The Rito formulate a plan to deal with the invasion from northwest Hyrule. Zelda plans some next steps, then she and Link discuss the current situation and a possible ending.

An hour earlier in Zora's Domain, Mila had quietly closed the door to Linky's room after she and Midon said goodnight. Lapha had agreed to stay with Linky until his wife and daughter arrived from North Hyrule.

"Thank Nayru, that's over!" sighed Mila quietly. "I never felt so stressed in my whole life, Midon. I'm still not over it."

"You did great, Mi," said Midon as he put his arm around her and gave her a quick hug. "I'm sorry if I pressured you. I just felt so desperate!"

"It's fine," said Mila. "I'm sorry I spouted at you. I kept praying to Nayru the entire time."

"We all did, Mi," said Midon.

"Stay with me while I tell Mom and Dad what happened," said Mila.

"Of course," said Midon.

They returned to where Mipha and Link were sitting.

"Sorry for keeping you both in the air all this while," said Mila. "Linky insisted on joining one of the North Hyrule squads sent to liberate Hateno Village and got badly wounded in a Lizalfos ambush. We rushed to meet the boat that was bringing him here so I could heal his injury as soon as possible. He's okay now, and Lapha is staying with him until Tila and Tara arrive."

"You're shaking, Mila," said Mipha. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"Linky lost a lot of blood by the time he reached Lanayru Bay," said Midon. "For a while, it looked like it might be too late to save him. Mi did great, though, and pulled him through."

"I never tried so hard, Mom," said Mila. "I put everything into it, and it felt like my heart would shatter if I failed."

"Come here, sweetheart, I know the feeling," said Mipha as she stood and embraced Mila. "I think some hugs all around are called for right now."

Everyone hugged in turn and then sat down.

"I think he felt it his duty to help," said Midon. "But he was probably a bit rusty."

"I'll talk to Linky tomorrow," said Link. "I know he must feel he failed, and he's not going to be happy about what happened or satisfied to sit around the house. He will want to be ready for combat if he's needed again, and he will want to restore his confidence. While Ruta is not being used for combat, perhaps he could train in the simulator."

"Is that how he will feel, Dad?" Mila asked. "He won't simply be happy to be back safe with his family?"

"He will feel that too, of course, sweetheart," said Link. "Maybe mainly that. I would too. But I would also want to make sure my combat skills are back in top form and ready in case there's a next time."

"I might join him in some combat simulation training," said Midon. "I haven't trained with a spear in some time, but I also inherited your ability, Dad. If it comes to defending our home, I should be ready to help too. Our Domain will not go belly up without everyone doing their best."

"That will not happen to our Domain, Midon," said Link. "I'll stake my life on it. But I understand how you feel. With the temporal distortion in the simulator, you and Linky can both get in a good deal of training in a short amount of actual time. Once your mother and an artificial Zelda that Purah created engaged in an entire conversation in the simulator in what were only seconds of actual time."

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