Chapter 164 - Picturing History - Part 1

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Summary: Link's daughter Mila interviews Daruk as part of her project to write the last Hyrule invasion history. Purah's examination of the Sheikah Slate Ganondorf used to corrupt shrines indicates it may yield some helpful information.

It was a sunny afternoon as Link's oldest daughter Mila sat behind her boyfriend Kendal on a motorized cycle cruising along the road southeast of Trilby Valley. They were driving past the Foothill Rest Area and onward toward the Maw of Death Mountain.

"I have to watch out for Eldin Ostriches on the road now," said Kendal.

"Please do!" laughed Mila. "If you hit one, we'll have to eat it. Ugh!"

It had been a pleasant ride from Zora's Domain, the weather fair and the roads clear. But this was not a pleasure trip. Zelda had asked Mila to write the history of the last Hyrule invasion, and Mila planned to interview all the major participants. Right now, she was on her way to meet Daruk at Lake Intenoch to discuss the Goron involvement, and Kendal had been assigned as her security guard for the journey. When they reached the lake, Kendal stopped the cycle, and Mila dismounted.

"Are you sure you don't need me to stay with you?" Kendal asked.

"No, I'll be fine. Why don't you go relax at the rest area or Cephla Lake," said Mila. "Daruk should be here any minute, and it is quite safe. I'll Tab you when we're finished."

"Very well, Princess," said Kendal, then they kissed. "I'll report to headquarters that we arrived safely."

Kendal made his way back to the rest area, and Mila waded into the hot bubbly waters. Steam clouds surrounded her, and the water was soothing from the first moment. After a few minutes of soaking, a person felt utterly revitalized. An unwary Sizzlefin Trout swam a bit too close and ended up being a tasty snack. Then Mila settled down into the water, and a few minutes later, she saw a massive Goron rolling down the path.

"Ah, here we are at last!" said Daruk as he unrolled himself and waded into the water, making waves that caused Mila to bob up and down. "Oh, that feels good! I hope you weren't waiting long, Mila."

"I just arrived only minutes ago, Lord Daruk," said Mila. "Thank you again for meeting me here. Making my way to Goron City would have been difficult for me, but I would have willingly done it."

"Please, just call me Daruk, or better yet, if you don't mind, Uncle. It's no trouble at all to meet my Goro bro's daughter," said Daruk with a big smile. "In the old days, I would have gladly rolled all the way to Zora's Domain. But, well, my rolling is slower now, though I still like to get out and see the countryside. This is a magnificent spot to meet, right? It's got water, which I know you Zoras like, and it's about midway between our two homes. It's also far enough away from that annoying dog at the stable. Don't you love soaking here?"

"Yes, I do. It's very revitalizing," said Mila, who smiled as Daruk still called them stables, probably because he never rode a horse. "And the fish I ate while waiting for you was a tasty treat for me too. Shall we begin?"

Mila went over her questions and recorded Daruk's comments. By the time they finished, it was late afternoon.

"Thank you, I think you have answered all my questions about the Hyrule invasion from the Goron perspective," said Mila.

"Yeah, as you can tell, we Gorons saw little action. It was mostly just me helping with ol' Rudania, blasting away at Crenel Hills. But I was happy to do what I could. Do you still need to talk to others for your project?"

"Yes, you were the first, outside of the Domain, I mean," said Mila. "I still have the Rito and Gerudo to interview, and then I will finish my research by meeting with the Hyrule Royal family and General Haston."

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