Chapter 82 - Zora Prince and Hyrule Knight

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Summary: King Dorephan bestows a title on Link. Young Link joins the Hyrule army and learns to take care of himself. He later enters the swordsmanship competition, which ultimately leads to an ironic assignment. Link struggles to maintain his journal as his family spends more time apart.

"I can't get over what a handsome couple you two make!" said King Dorephan as he met with Mipha and Link after lunch. They had recently returned from their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary trip, and Link was still a Zora. King Dorephan had asked to meet with them.

"I know what you're doing, Father," said Mipha. "And if you're doing it for me, you don't need to. While I do love being with Link like this, I am quite happy being with Link as a Hylian as well."

"Was I that obvious?" laughed King Dorephan. "Well, I suppose it is none of my business anyway. However, being married twenty-five years is a real accomplishment, the first significant anniversary for Zora married couples. I feel Link has finally earned the right to become a full member of our royal family. While you two were away, I consulted with the other members of the council of elders, and they agreed with me that an exception to our rules is justified in Link's case. I am going to name you, Link, as a Prince of the Zora."

Link looked stunned, and his jaw dropped.

"Father, I'm honored but ..."

He was about to say that he didn't feel he deserved it when Mipha cut him off.

"Thank you, Father, that would be wonderful! That makes me very happy!" said Mipha. "And I do believe Link deserves it."

"Link, you started to say something," said King Dorephan. "I assume you have no objection?"

Hearing Mipha's reaction made his answer easy.

"I am greatly honored, Father. I feel unworthy but have no objections whatsoever," said Link.

"Excellent!" said King Dorephan. "And the council agreed you would retain your title whether you remain a Zora or return to being a Hylian. This is all quite unprecedented for us, but you have earned it."

"That is very generous of you, Father," said Link. "I can only say how deeply honored I am. It is something I never dreamed of."

"The brief ceremony will be in one week, and with only family present," said King Dorephan. "Afterward I will announce it to the Domain."

They both thanked him again. Then Mipha took Link's hand and practically dragged him out of the throne room. When they were on the level below, she reached out, and they embraced.

"I know this means more to me than to you," said Mipha. "But I always wanted you to be one with us, to know that you are fully accepted in our family in every way. And now you shall be."

"I'm truly honored," said Link. "I don't know what else to say. Your people, I mean our people, have always been very gracious to me. This is beyond anything I ever expected. But why now?"

"I think Father was waiting until our marriage reached this point," said Mipha. "As he said, for a Zora couple their twenty-fifth anniversary is considered their first significant one. I gather Hylians attach significance to anniversaries every five years or so, but because of our Zora longer life span, every five years is way too often. So, the fact we're married twenty-five years is important to Zoras."

The ceremony was the following week. Link knelt before King Dorephan, who made a short statement that conferred the title of Prince of the Zora on him. Then Link rose and was presented with a gold aiguillette to wear over the right shoulder of his Zora Armor. After affixing it to his armor, everyone congratulated him, and they all exchanged hugs.

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