Chapter 70 - Family Journey

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Summary: Mipha plans some trips while Link daydreams. The family visits Hyrule Castle and Castle Town, as Midon and Linky prepare to stay there to begin training and a class. Link's closeness to Zelda causes Mila some unfounded anxiety. Link looks forward to sharing more Zora time with Mipha and a possible visit to the Faron Region.

It was a rainy, windy morning in Zora's Domain as Link stared out the kitchen window and let his mind wander.
The family had all eaten breakfast together, and then the children had left for class, leaving Mipha and Link home alone. Mipha was still sitting in the dining room working on her Tab while Link was cleaning up in the kitchen, having earlier cooked Linky's and his breakfast, a trout and vegetable omelet. Then a sharp gust of wind blew a splash of rain that slapped against the kitchen window, drawing Link's attention. He stopped to look out the window as the wind drove a steady patter of rain against it, and then he lost himself in thought.

It was funny, but for as long as he could remember he had always loved the sound of rain. Then he caught himself and smiled. The expression 'as long as he could remember' would provoke some good-natured teasing by Mipha. If he said that to her, she would answer that in his case that expression really didn't mean very much, did it? But she would smile as she said it to show him she was only teasing and meant it in fun. And he knew that and would laugh along with her, sometimes with a comment that at least he remembered who he was. And that was another inside joke, one they could both laugh at now, all these years later. But at the time it was no laughing matter when Mipha was trying to cope with her feelings about a Link from the future who barely remembered her and who suddenly replaced the Link she knew and loved. It took some time and mutual effort to convince herself he really was the same person.

But, all joking aside, he really did remember this about himself, the love of rain. He could recall as a child how relaxed he felt when it rained at night. And as an adult, he still found it soothing. He remembered rainy evenings on his travels when he would board Epona at a stable and rent a bed for the night. Then he could hear the rain drumming against the stable roof, close his eyes and relax, forgetting all his worries about saving Hyrule for the night.

Yes, he had always loved the sound of rain. But who knew water would come to play such a pivotal role in his life someday, and that he would find love with someone at home in it? And now, having once lived as a Zora for seven months, he felt an even closer bond with water. He was back to being a Hylian again, but not entirely back to normal, or at least not exactly the same as he had been. The Zora experience had marked him somehow, changed him. Water tugged at his mind now in ways it never had before. When he saw a river or a lake, he had an urge to dive into it now, to splash in it and swim around. It was like a new craving.

His time as a Zora had been a revelation to him. It literally opened up a new world, a world like nothing he had ever experienced before. And it was a world he could share with the one he loved. Mipha had been so happy with him then, playful even, as though she was living out a fantasy of her own. She was so excited to show him what life with her as a Zora could be like. And then there was the romance.

By now he had forgotten all about the rain as he recalled some of the times he and Mipha were together as Zoras. He had always thought Mipha was beautiful. But seeing her as another Zora would see her, his attraction to her was more elemental and more intense. And as a result, she was even more desirable. He recalled a time they were underwater together. It was a sunny day, and the sea was calm, the water a clear deep blue. They swam out from the beach together and then dove under the water. They held each other in their arms as they kissed, a nearby school of porgies scurrying out of their way. It was a long passionate endless kiss that just went on and on as they spiraled deeper and deeper and then ...

"Are you still cleaning up, sweetheart?" Mipha called from the dining room. "You're taking an awfully long time! I'd like to talk to you."

"Yes," said Link, his reverie suddenly interrupted. "I'll be right there."

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