Chapter 18 - Princess Mila and Prince Midon

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Summary: The big day finally arrives. Link's happiness is tempered for a while as he contemplates the future, but he snaps out of it at the end. Mipha and Link are finally parents.

Link was asleep when he felt Mipha nudge him awake. It was still early in the morning, and the sun hadn't quite risen yet.

"Link, I'm feeling funny. I think the eggs may be ready soon," said Mipha.

"I'll get the doctor right away," he said.

Link jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. For the last two days, Mipha said she could feel the eggs shifting inside her. Now it felt like today might be the big day.

Link opened the door and waved to one of the nearby guards on duty. The guards knew about Mipha's condition and expected to help if needed. Link had met this guard before. Like most Zora guards, she stood at her post, holding a Zora spear.

"Good morning, Kylah," Link said. "Could you please ask Doctor Larah to come as quickly as she can? Tell her Lady Mipha feels her eggs may be ready."

"Of course, right away," said Kylah. She ran off to get the doctor.

Within a few minutes, Mipha's doctor and a nurse arrived.

"Hello, Mipha and Link," said Doctor Larah. "This is nurse Dunah, who will be assisting me. Let me take a look at you, Mipha. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling like the eggs are moving, and my body is trying to push them," said Mipha.

"That's perfectly normal," said Doctor Larah. "Let's move you to the special bed, and then I'll examine you."

In anticipation of this day, her doctor ordered a temporary bed for Mipha to make her more comfortable when laying the eggs. This was a standard medical procedure for Zoras about to lay their eggs. Otherwise, they would simply lay them in water. They had also delivered a tank designed to hold the eggs until they hatched. It looked to Link like an aquarium, which in essence, it was. They helped Mipha move to the special bed. Nurse Dunah then proceeded to fill the tank with the pure, cold water the eggs would require.

"Mipha, try to relax," said Doctor Larah. "I'm going to take a quick look at you."

She did a quick examination, and it confirmed her suspicions.

"It does look like your eggs will be ready very soon now," she said.

Link pulled up a chair and sat next to Mipha. He took her hand and squeezed it.

Mipha was taking shallow breaths and moaning a little.

"Are you in pain?" asked Link.

"No, but I feel strange," she said. "I can feel the eggs moving."

She kept taking shallow breaths. Then she let out a soft groan.

"I think I feel them coming now," said Mipha. The doctor was in position and ready. Mipha felt uncomfortable pressure but not pain.

"Keep taking deep breaths and gently push when you can," the doctor told her.

She kept pushing, and slowly one of the eggs appeared. The doctor helped with its delivery and then held the egg up for a brief examination. Then she handed it to the nurse who placed it gently into the tank of water. Mipha was still taking short, shallow breaths. She started pushing again, and the second egg appeared. Once again, the doctor helped with its delivery, looked at the egg, and then carefully handed it to the nurse for placement in the tank.

The doctor then came around to Mipha's side while Link continued to hold her hand. Mipha was starting to breathe normally again.

"Congratulations, Lady Mipha," she said. "From my examination, it looks like you have two healthy Zora babies, and I'm pretty sure one is a boy and the other a girl. Are you feeling alright? Are you in any pain?"

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