Chapter 139 - Giving Up the Ghost

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Summary: Astra continues spending time at Zora's Domain with Link and family. Queen Zelda ponders what to do about the Lomei Labyrinths. Palan joins a secret mission to Hateno Village with the current leader of the Yiga Clan, which culminates in a significant event.

It was morning in Zora's Domain, and Link awoke to find Mipha holding him in their slumber pool, her right arm around him.

"Are you all right, sweetheart?" Mipha asked as she caressed his cheek with her other hand.

"Yes, fine, why do you ask, sweetheart?"

"Because you had a nightmare earlier and cried out in your sleep, then fell back," said Mipha. "Your words made no sense, though. You don't remember?"

"No, I don't remember a thing about it," said Link. "That's strange. I haven't had a nightmare in a long time. I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

"I want you to disturb me when that happens," said Mipha. "But perhaps it's nothing. You've been very active with Astra, and maybe it affected your sleep. We should get up. I heard Mila leave for work already."

"Yes, fine," said Link. "Kiss first?"

"I thought you'd never ask," laughed Mipha as they kissed then made their way to the kitchen for breakfast.

It was about an hour later when Astra finally awoke.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" said Tara as Astra stirred and opened her eyes. "See? I knew you would love sleeping in the water."

"Good morning, Tara," said Astra, who awoke and found herself floating in Lapha's slumber pool with Tara. "I did fall asleep, didn't I? Thank you. It was fun. Is it late? Have you been awake long?"

"Not that late and not very long," said Tara. "Do you want me to catch a fish for you? Hyrule Bass is the easiest and quickest."

"A Hyrule Bass is fine," said Astra. "I've grown to love eating fish. Thanks!"

Tara jumped out of the slumber pool, headed out of the bedroom, and then to the lake just outside their house. Meanwhile, Astra dried off, got dressed, and headed for the kitchen where she heard some voices. When she arrived, she saw Mipha and Link sitting at the table, having finished breakfast.

"Good morning, Astra," said Link. "Did you sleep well, sweetheart?"

"I did. I slept in the slumber pool," said Astra. "It wasn't bad, though it probably helped that I was pretty tired."

"It takes some getting used to," admitted Link. "And it helps if you have a powerful incentive to do it. Can I get you some breakfast?"

"Tara's catching a fish for me," said Astra. "She's adorable and a lot more grown-up than I expected. And smart too."

"I'm happy you two get along so well," said Mipha. "Just watch out. Once Tara feels comfortable with you, she can become mischievous. You saw the frog in her father's towel yesterday."

"I think it's cute, and I'll be on my guard," laughed Astra. "Oh, here's Tara now."

Tara returned carrying two Hyrule Bass, and after hugs, Link took one, cleaned it, and began cooking it for Astra while Tara and Astra sat down with Mipha.

"Are Mommy and Daddy still asleep?" Tara asked.

"Yes, and so is your Uncle Midon, who got home late," said Mipha. "Aunt Mila left for work, but she'll be home later today."

"Here we are," said Link after several more minutes. He handed Astra a plate of Seafood Meuniere.

"Mm, thank you, it smells delicious, Uncle Link," said Astra.

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