Chapter 74 - Goron City Holiday - Part 1

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Summary: Mipha as a Hylian prepares to accompany Link to Goron City.

Mipha and Link made their way to the throne room at Zora's Domain to see King Dorephan. Mipha had transformed into a Hylian to rescue a squad of Gerudo soldiers and had just returned to the Domain late the previous evening. Mipha's father had not yet had a chance to see her in person since her change.

"Good morning, Father," said Mipha as they entered the throne room.

King Dorephan looked at her, and he did not seem especially pleased by what he saw. Link had expected that. It was a lot to expect anything else. Finally, King Dorephan spoke.

"Welcome home," said King Dorephan. "I and all of us here are very proud of the heroic deed you did, Mipha. It was quite a noble sacrifice. May I ask what your plans are now?"

"I promised Link I would take this opportunity to see some parts of Hyrule we Zoras cannot travel to," said Mipha.

"I see," said King Dorephan. "Well, I will not try to stop you or even less forbid it. I know this must mean a great deal to Link here, and he certainly deserves our consideration. But, Mipha, you are a Princess of the Zora and heir to our kingdom's throne. Please remember your responsibility to our people and do not take too long."

"I understand, Father," said Mipha. "And thank you."

Mipha and Link left the throne room.

"That wasn't too bad," said Mipha. "Father at least tolerated things."

"We Zoras again?" said Link. "I think that I embraced becoming a Zora much more fully than you are taking this. But I guess I can understand that. Being a Zora opened up a whole new underwater world to me. Being a Hylian probably doesn't offer as much of a new experience for you. Anyway, I am going to stop at the inn to see if they can get us a bed for our home. I don't want you to have to sleep on the floor."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," said Mipha as she took his hand. "Let me try harder. I know it's only fair and I owe you that. I'll stop complaining, accept the experience for what it is and take things as they come. If you don't need me now, I'll meet you later at home."

They kissed, and then Mipha headed home while Link went to the inn. When he arrived, he found Kodah there alone.

"Hi, Linny," said Kodah. "What brings you here? Did you have a fight and Lady Mipha banished you from home?"

"No, nothing like that, Kodah," laughed Link. "How is Kayden?"

"Fine," said Kodah. "He's out with some friends at the moment. We're not too busy at this time of day. Is there something I can do?"

"Yes," said Link. "I need to get a bed for our room and thought you would know the best way to find one. You heard that Mipha is temporarily a Hylian, right? And she can't sleep in the water now, so, well, you know."

"Yes, of course," said Kodah. "I did hear about that and can't imagine what that must be like. It's very noble of her to make such a huge sacrifice. No offense, of course."

"No offense," laughed Link. "I know it was a lot to ask of her. But in the meantime, I'd like her to be comfortable."

"Yes, of course, back to your question," said Kodah. "We keep some new beds in storage to be ready in case we need to replace one here. I assume you only need the bed temporarily. So I can rent you a new bed. Shall I have it delivered to your house? I can have it there today."

"That would be wonderful, Kodah," said Link. "Thank you. Let me leave a deposit for the first week."

Link left the plaza and returned home. Mipha was sorting out the clothes she had ordered, which had just been delivered by the shop.

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