Chapter 44 - A Shadow Arises - Part 1

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Summary: The descendant of an ancient evil is unwittingly freed.

The excavation of the channel to connect the Zora Domain in North Hyrule to the Akkala Sea was progressing well. A group of Sheikah was using mechanical dredging devices to dig the channel with impressive results. The work party was about one-fourth of the way to the sea when they began to uncover small artifacts such as broken fragments of pottery, tools and miscellaneous personal items. Lanyon, the person in charge of the dredging operation, notified his superiors who proceeded to send one of their archeologists, Fandra, to examine them.

"Work's going well I hear," said Fandra to Lanyon upon arriving. "Let's see what you've found so far."

"Over here," said Lanyon. "It's not much to look at. Just small items."

Lanyon had laid out the collection of items they uncovered, and Fandra examined them.

"These are quite old from the condition and workmanship," said Fandra. "I don't see any particular markings that would identify them. And there is nothing particularly noteworthy about any of them. I see no reason why you can't continue to dig. If possible, just collect and put aside anything you find. And if something unusual surfaces, particularly anything with writing or larger items such as structures, be sure to let me know. I would like to examine them."

"Of course," said Lanyon. "Sorry to bring you out here for this."

"No, it's fine," said Fandra. "It's interesting, just not something worth doing much about at this point. The land and seas have changed over the years, and it would be of interest to learn more. I'll stop by the Domain to check if they have any records of an ancient civilization existing here."

Before Fandra returned home, she consulted with the Zora historian at the Domain in North Hyrule. They had no record of any civilization there, so it must have been quite old, indeed.

Back in Zora's Domain, it was three months now past Mipha's and Link's anniversary, and today Princess Laray was scheduled to present herself to Queen Mipha as the ambassador of her Domain. Link, as Mipha's roving ambassador, was in charge of welcoming her and escorting her to the meeting. Included in the meeting as well would be Prince Sidon as second in command and Kara as Royal Secretary.

But before that Mila was voicing her concern about overzealous security at their family breakfast. Apparently, she and Tila had been hiking outside the Domain with two boys a couple of nights ago, the night before Tila left to go home, and they found the four guards who accompanied them, two from each Domain, a bit much.

"Mom, it's bad enough I have to have guards around, now Tila has her own guards, too? When we go to a party, it makes everyone feel awkward. And if we're together with a couple of friends, like the other night, we have double the company. My social life is an empty shell," said Mila.

"Well, Tila suddenly became next in line to their throne, like you are here. We've already discussed that the Royal Guard has to protect you. And also remember you are the youngest of all your friends. You had your growth spurt a few years earlier than most. So, I am concerned about you, too. But I understand your feelings. I can speak with Captain Larah to see if she can't cut back the security to one guard from each Domain when your friend Tila is here. I think that's the best I can do."

"I would be better off renouncing my royal succession," said Mila pouting.

"Go ahead, Sis," said Midon. "I dare you. I don't mind the attention."

"Clam up, Mido!" said Mila. "It isn't funny."

"Alright, stop it you two," said Mipha. "Mila, you're not old enough to renounce anything yet. But I said I will try my best to give you more privacy. Believe it or not, I remember how it felt to be young and want to be alone with someone special. Just work with me on this. Hyrule is much safer now, but it is not absolutely safe, especially when you go wandering outside the Domain. Remember, you have an obligation to our people. It comes with all the things you enjoy about being a princess. Believe me, someday you'll find a pearl in that empty shell of a social life you think you have. Now, are we good?"

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