Chapter 3 - Kodah

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It was mid-morning in Zora's Domain. Mipha was attending a council of the elders meeting with her father, so Link was home alone, still studying for the Zora citizenship test. He had finished the history section for now (though he would like to review it again) and had moved on to geography and Zora customs. He found those topics a bit easier to digest. But he had been at it steadily for a couple of hours now and needed to stretch his legs.

He got up and walked out of their home. It was a pleasant day, and he loved the soothing sound of waterfalls splashing. His walk took him past the Seabed Inn, and as he passed by, he noticed a rather pretty female Zora staring at him. She started walking over to him.

"Hello Linny," she said. "We haven't spoken in a while."

"I'm sorry?" said Link.

"Oh, that's right. I heard you suffered some memory loss. I gather from your blank expression you don't remember me?"

"I'm sorry, I don't," said Link. "And I apologize if I should."

"Alright, then let me re-introduce myself. My name is Kodah, and I was your girlfriend for a while," she said.

Link opened his mouth, stunned. Another whole chapter in his life was missing? He never knew that he had a relationship with anyone else here but Mipha.

"Oh! I'm so sorry that I don't remember. I hope your feelings aren't hurt," said Link.

"No, my feelings are fine now. I am engaged to Kayden who runs the Seabed Inn. We are getting married next month," laughed Kodah.

"Well, congratulations. I wish you both every happiness," said Link.

"Thank-you," said Kodah.

"As you said, I am suffering from memory loss. Do you have time to sit down with me and tell me a little more?" said Link. "And what's with the 'Linny' thing?"

They walked over to a bench and sat down.

"'Linny' was my nickname for you when we were dating, and it still feels natural to call you that. I hope you don't mind," said Kodah. "Anyway, there's not too much to tell. You spent a lot of time here in the Domain growing up, and you met me along the way. After we both got a bit older, we started seeing each other socially. I enjoyed your company, and you enjoyed mine. We had a good time together and grew quite close. But you also started seeing Mipha at around the same time, and the situation was getting difficult. Anyway, I needed a decision and finally asked you to choose between Mipha and me. You ended up choosing Mipha, and the rest, as they say, is history. All this happened well over a year ago now," said Kodah.

"That recently? Thank you for telling me this Kodah," said Link. "I feel bad I don't remember any of it. Since my memory loss, I often learn things about myself that I should have known but have completely forgotten. I honestly don't remember a lot of my past with Mipha either, but she has been helping me fill in some of the gaps. Anyway, I hope there are no hard feelings, and I am glad your life is turning out so well."

"No – there are no hard feelings. And I am glad yours is turning out well also. You and Lady Mipha are both heroes now. If you don't mind me asking, what are you keeping busy with these days? It must be a little dull for you now after all the excitement of saving Hyrule," said Kodah.

"Well, among other things, I am busy studying for the Zora citizenship exam. It may be dull compared to combat, but frankly dull is good for me right now. I am certainly enjoying my life here," said Link. "I am trying my best to be a good member of Mipha's family. And I am looking forward to becoming more involved with the Zora community if they accept me."

"Wonderful! So, you are going to become a Zora citizen? I'm happy to hear that," said Kodah.

"Well, I am if I can manage to pass this test," said Link, laughing. "I've been studying each day and just needed a break."

The council meeting had adjourned, and Mipha thought she would see how Link was coming along in his studies. She walked down the stairs from the meeting room and was surprised to notice Link sitting with Kodah, enjoying a laugh. Well, that's interesting, she thought. She began walking over to them. Upon seeing Mipha approach, both Kodah and Link stood up.

"Lady Mipha, good morning," said Kodah.

"Good morning, both of you. Can I join you for a minute? Please sit down," said Mipha.

They all took a seat. Link thought her tone was a little more formal than usual.

"I guess your meeting ended?" said Link. "I ran into Kodah when I took a study break walk. She was filling me in on some memories I had completely forgotten."

"That's very thoughtful of her," said Mipha looking at Kodah.

"I hope you don't mind, Lady Mipha. I saw Link and said hello, then realized he must have no recollection of me. He asked if I could fill in some of the gaps."

"That's not surprising. I've been doing the same thing for weeks now," said Mipha.

"I was telling Link that I am engaged to Kayden, the person who runs the Seabed Inn. We are getting married next month. And, Lady Mipha and Link, we would be very honored if you would attend our wedding," said Kodah.

Link realized it was not his place to answer this, so he looked at Mipha. Mipha seemed to relax a bit.

"Congratulations to both of you! We would love to attend, and I hope our schedule permits. Thank-you for asking us," said Mipha.

"Well, I think I should get back to my studies," said Link glancing at Mipha. "Thank you again Kodah for helping my memory."

"It was my pleasure," said Kodah.

"I think I'll walk back with you," said Mipha to Link. "I'm done with meetings for now."

They all rose and Kodah said farewell.

"Kodah, it was nice to see you," said Mipha.

Mipha and Link started walking home.

"Are you sure you're studying hard enough, Link? This test is important to me," said Mipha.

"I think I am. I put in a solid couple of hours and just needed to stretch my legs a bit. I didn't expect to run into anyone I knew," said Link.

"Well, given your memory, you didn't know her, did you? But I guess you do now," said Mipha in a somewhat annoyed tone.

"Are you upset with me? When she said hello and introduced herself as a former girlfriend, I was so stunned I didn't know what to say. I thought it would be impolite just to drop the subject, so I asked her to explain," said Link.

"Oh, so you were just being courteous, and your conversation with her was all out of politeness?" said Mipha.

"Okay, I admit curiosity too. You are upset, aren't you, sweetheart?" said Link.

"Well, I was expecting to find you home studying, and instead I find you sitting and laughing with your pretty former girlfriend," said Mipha.

"The key word there is 'former,'" said Link. "I'm very, very happily married now, and she seems happily engaged. So please forgive me if I upset you."

Mipha was quiet for a minute.

"Alright. Maybe it is a bit unfair. It's natural you would want to fill in holes in your memory. I just wasn't expecting that one."

"We're good then?" asked Link.

"Yes, we're good," said Mipha.

They confirmed that with a kiss.

"Just don't start hanging around the inn," Mipha said.

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