Chapter 98 - Overworked

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Summary: Princess Zelda and Daruk's son, Darno, feel overworked as their parents each react to Urbosa's passing by accelerating their responsibility. Tila has a conversation with Mipha about marriage to a Hylian, and later notices a close resemblance between Astra and her husband. Mipha and Link celebrate thirty years of marriage with a trip to Lurelin Village which is cut short by a mysterious encounter.

"It's time for another dose of elixir, Zelda," said young Link.

"Thank you for the reminder," said Princess Zelda.

Queen Zelda had asked her older daughter to visit Goron City and discuss the state of public transportation in the Eldin Region with the village leader as well as build up her relationship with the Goron community. As a result, Princess Zelda and Link were on a two-day journey to Goron City and had just reached the Southern Mine.

Link took out his Tab and used the new North Hyrule rune that people had come to call the Compendium Rune to create two bottles of Fireproof Elixir and gave one to Zelda. After drinking them, they resumed their walk.

This was Link's first overnight trip away from his wife, and he had suggested to Tila that she stay with his family in Zora's Domain tonight instead of remaining alone at Hyrule Castle. Link planned to join her there on the weekend when his trip with Zelda ended. Tila had agreed with his suggestion, feeling it was an excellent opportunity to grow closer to Link's family, and her mathematics classes were between terms anyway. They had said goodbye to each other this morning, and Link thought by now Tila might well be on her way to Zora's Domain. His thoughts kept coming back to her, and as a result, he was guilty of not paying as much attention to Zelda as he probably should.

"Mother tells me the Fireproof Elixir tastes much better now than in the old days," said Princess Zelda. "When she traveled here as a princess, the elixir had a foul taste, like a lizard flavor."

"That's interesting," said Link.

"I much prefer drinking elixir to wearing some bulky heat resistant armor," said Zelda. "Though I imagine the armor has advantages in some situations, like in combat."

"I imagine so," said Link.

"Did your father ever speak to you of his travels here?" said Zelda.

"He did," said Link.

Zelda glanced over at Link, and he seemed to be staring ahead, not looking her way at all.

"Link, you've hardly said two words!" said Zelda. "Whenever I try to engage you in conversation, you give short answers. Is everything alright?"

"I'm sorry, Zelda," said Link turning to her. "Tonight will be the first night since we married that Tila and I will be apart and I've been thinking about her. But you're right, my duty is to you now, and I apologize for not giving you my full attention."

"No, I understand, and there is no need to apologize," said Zelda. "I'm glad it's nothing more serious than you missing your lovely wife. Do you want to Tab her to check on how she is? I know that violates Royal Guard protocol, but you have my permission. And by the way, have you two been happy living at the castle?"

"Tila agreed to visit my family while I'm away with you, so she is probably on her way there now. She said she would Tab me when she arrives at Zora's Domain but understands I'm not supposed to respond to personal messages while on duty," said Link. "I plan to meet her there for the weekend after our trip is over. But yes, we're still happy at the castle. Whenever I can, Tila and I meet for lunch. She's been keeping busy working with Dr. Purah as well as teaching some advanced mathematics courses. For a while she was actually too busy, getting work from her sister Faray in the mornings and then teaching and doing research with Dr. Purah in the afternoon. But she cut back on teaching a bit, and things are back to normal with us now."

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