Chapter 153 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 2

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Summary: The attack on Hyrule intensifies as monsters emerge from additional shrines. Link's recollection of shrines he completed long ago provides a possible insight into which shrines are corrupted.

It was a typical cold, clear evening as two Gerudo guards sat huddled on either side of a lit fire pot beneath the awning of the small platform atop the Northern Icehouse. Usually, only one guard would be stationed here. But Queen Zelda had spoken to Chief Baleria a week ago about her unease, and so the Captain had doubled the guards in some locations.

"Sarqso! That was tasty, Sarge, spicy and sweet at the same time," said Lana as she swallowed the last bite of a spicy steak they had shared and followed it with a gulp of water. "It really warmed me up! What did you use to give it that flavor?"

"Just two pinches of Goron Spice," said Salana. "Don't overdo it, or your mouth will burn like Death Mountain."

Lana laughed.

The fire pot provided warmth during the cold desert night, as well as the ability to cook a light meal. Alongside each of them lay a Gerudo Spear and a Golden Bow along with an assortment of arrows that could be replenished by Tab if necessary. Aside from their voices, the only other sound was the whistle of the brisk north wind that blew down from the Gerudo Highlands. To the south, you could make out the tall rocky spires of Gerudo Town in the distance.

The Northern Icehouse was something of an anachronism in modern-day Hyrule. Like horses, it was a throwback to an older and simpler time, and most people in Hyrule were entirely satisfied with their own ice. But Gerudo purists, including many who frequented the Noble Canteen, claimed that the ice from the Northern Icehouse made for better-tasting drinks. And so, the icehouse remained staffed with an attendant and supplied Gerudo Town with ice on a regular basis.

"Nothing like doing night duty at the Icehouse," laughed Lana as she picked up her Tab again. "But I shouldn't complain. I was guarding the Chief's residence last week, and that was a nice soft duty in town."

"I was stationed at Kara Kara Bazaar last week," said Salana. "It gave me a chance to check out the Voe who passed through. So far, though, all I can say is, ugh."

"I hear you," laughed Lana, not looking up from her Tab.

"But, at least there's a beautiful view from here," said Salana. "The stars are so bright, and the whole desert lays before us. You should put your Tab down for a few minutes, Lana, and enjoy it."

"You do get a nice view from here," said Lana, putting her Tab aside for the moment and looking to the south. "But I'd still rather be sitting in the canteen right now, sipping a Noble Pursuit and laughing it up with friends."

They sat quietly for a few more minutes, enjoying the warmth of the fire. Finally, Lana spoke up as she noticed the time on her Tab.

"I guess it's my turn to check on the area," said Lana.

Lana stood up and made her way down the small ladder at the rear of the platform, then climbed to the top of the rocky structure above the icehouse and behind them. She couldn't help a small shiver after leaving the warmth of the fire pot, and steam from her breath was visible in the cold night air. The moon shone over the uppermost rim of the Highlands, and it helped illuminate their surroundings.

Lana didn't see anything unusual, and that's what she expected. The cliffs were empty of movement, and the desert sand remained still. Though, as she looked back at the sand to the west along the base of the cliffs, it did seem lumpier than she remembered from her last inspection. She squinted, then used the long-range lens feature to look through her Tab for a better view. Yes, her eyes had not deceived her. There were some odd shapes in the sand now, quite a few of them, in fact. It was an unusual arrangement of the sand. Had the wind done this?

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