Chapter 163 - Northern Sites

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Summary: Mila finishes the first phase of her research at the Hyrule Castle Library. Zelda, Mipha, and Link join the rest of Link's family for some fun in North Hyrule. Spirit of the Sword Fi pays Link a brief visit. Zelda has a short dinner conversation with Queen Faray and Sheikah Chief Saldon.

It had been raining all day in Central Hyrule, and it was a rainy evening at the Hyrule Castle Library as librarian Alana approached where Link's oldest child Mila was sitting.

"Excuse me, Princess Mila, but I am leaving now," said Alana.

"Oh, are you closing the library? I'm sorry, I lost track of time," said Mila looking up from the book she had been reading.

"No, no, Princess, we never close," said Alana. "I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed before I go home for the night. If you wish to take any books with you, just Tab me which ones, and I'll record them tomorrow when I return to work."

"Thank you, Alana, I have everything I need for now, and I'm almost finished," said Mila.

"It's getting late and still pouring rain out, though I suppose the rain doesn't bother you much," said Alana. "Are you planning to return home at this hour?"

"I'm spending the night here at the Castle," said Mila. "Her Majesty arranged for me to stay in my brother's room he uses when he's on duty here."

"Excellent! I'm glad to hear you're not traveling so late," said Alana. "I know they say it's safe now, but old instincts die hard. When I was young, you dare not wander far after dark for fear of your life! Goodnight then, and it was a pleasure to meet you. I attended your lecture and book award ceremony, of course, but you and your family were so busy meeting with the royal family I could not speak privately with you."

"Goodnight, Alana, and thank you for your help. The pleasure was mutual, and I will be sure to say hello to my father for you."

Alana smiled and left, leaving Mila alone now, the library empty. Mila worked another half hour taking notes, then got up and returned the book to its shelf in the history section. She took a moment to browse the shelves, impressed by how much of Hyrule's history was here. She would like to return and research further, as there was still a great deal to learn. There was so much knowledge here that no one person could know it all. But then she rubbed her eyes, as it was indeed getting late, and she needed to rest. Tomorrow would be a busy day as she planned to meet her family in North Hyrule, traveling straight there from here.

Zelda had told her to Tab Royal Guard Headquarters when she was ready to leave, and upon doing so, a guard arrived, escorted her to Linky's old room, and wished her goodnight.

Mila closed the door and then took a moment to look around. Her brother's Royal Guard uniform hung neatly in the closet, adorned with a Captain's insignia. There was also a picture on the dresser. She picked it up and saw it was a picture of Tila and Linky lying together on a picnic blanket, a big smile on both their faces amidst a host of red flowers in the background. Tila was wearing the diamond and sapphire pendant Linky had given her as an engagement gift. So, this picture was taken after their engagement, maybe right afterward. Cute!

She smiled and put the picture back, then made her way to the window and looked out. The rain was still falling, water rolling down the side of the castle. She could see the silhouette of the towers that formed Zelda's bedroom and study in the distance, but both were dark now. Seeing Zelda's room reminded her of a conversation she had had with her father a long time ago. She sometimes asked him about his other timeline once she learned about it. He seldom talked about it, but she had a way of always persuading him. Anyway, he had mentioned he explored those rooms, Zelda's study and bedroom, which had been badly damaged. But he had found Zelda's diary intact in her bedroom.

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