Chapter 7 - Journey to Hyrule Castle

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Summary: Mipha and Link start their trip together with a journey to Hyrule Castle.

After a very early breakfast, Mipha and Link began their journey to Hyrule Castle. It was cloudy but not raining, and the weather was comfortable.

They planned to start on the road from the Great Zora Bridge. They would then travel through Ruto Moutain, across Luto's Crossing and then Oren Bridge, through Tabahl Woods to Inogo Bridge, then Northwest along the bank of the river to Woodland Stable. Without pushing their horses, that would be a full day's ride. They would then spend the night at Woodland Stable and the following morning ride past the Rauru Settlement, Helmhead Bridge, Hyrule Forest Park, and then West to Hyrule Castle. They should get to the castle by lunchtime.

"I'm looking forward to this trip," said Link. "Given my amnesia, I only remember many Hyrule locations from the time I awoke in the Resurrection Shrine to the time I went back in time to here and now. So, my memory of Hyrule is mostly one of decay and destruction. But fortunately, in this timeline, we were able to defeat Ganon before he could do as much harm. I will finally see a Hyrule I've largely forgotten as it existed when I was growing up."

"Yes, I hadn't thought of that," said Mipha. "The other timeline you speak of just isn't real for me, though I understand you lived through it. Anyway, I'm glad I am along with you to share these moments."

"Me too. Thinking of that other timeline reminds me how much I missed you for almost four years. You know I love you very much," said Link.

"I know. And I love you too," said Mipha.

The road was a bit rocky in places, and sometimes they had to dismount and walk their horses for a while.

"You seem a bit tense," said Mipha. "Is something bothering you?"

"Probably muscle memory," he said. "I traveled these roads quite a bit in my other life, and there were a lot of Lizalfos and Moblins around here. I needed to keep on my guard. And I am also subconsciously worried about protecting you. I guess I'm still not used to how safe things are now."

"I understand. Take some deep breaths, relax, and enjoy the scenery," said Mipha.

They finally passed Inogo Bridge, and a short way beyond that, the road was smooth. It was a simple ride now to Woodland Stable, and it was early evening when they arrived. They boarded their horses, cooked a simple meal at the pot outside, and then booked a room for the night.

"This is the first time we've been away together since Lurelin Village," said Link.

"That's right," said Mipha, yawning. "I'm happy we're making this trip together."

They lay cuddled against each other in bed. The sound of frogs croaking in Pico Pond and insects chirping in Minshi Woods filled the night air. But far from being disturbing, the sounds were soothing. It had been a long day, and they were both exhausted. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

They had requested a wake-up call from the innkeeper, so they arose early the next morning. After freshening up, they had a quick breakfast, and then they were back on the road. Link admired the scenery around the castle. And there were no Guardian Stalkers to evade as they rode up to the gates. They dismounted, and two attendants came up and took charge of their horses. As they walked into the castle, Link noticed one of the officers on duty as someone he recognized.

"Mipha, do you mind going on ahead? I want to say hello to one of the officers here I remember," said Link.

"Of course," said Mipha. She went into the castle while Link approached the officer.

"Hello, it's Lieutenant Fandon, isn't it?" said Link.

"Yes, sir," said Fandon.

"How are you and how is the family?" said Link.

"Very well, sir. I have a four-year-old daughter, and my wife is expecting another child in two months," he said.

"Congratulations!" said Link.

"Yes, sir. I understand you have become a Zora citizen, but you are still a Captain of the Royal Guards here?" said Fandon.

"Yes, His Majesty made provision for me to have dual citizenship. So I guess they can always get me back here if they need help. But it looks like you have everything under control," said Link.

"Yes, thanks to you, sir, and the other Champions."

"Well, it's nice to see you, and best wishes to the family," said Link.

"Thank you, sir," said Fandon.

Link entered the castle and began looking for Mipha and Zelda. He saw them through the doorway of the dining room and walked over. He started to approach them to greet Zelda when he realized they were both staring at him with their arms folded. Zelda, in particular, seemed to be scowling at him, though Mipha looked stern as well. What was the matter now? He approached them and was about to speak when Zelda beat him to it.

"Link, I forbid you to speak," said Zelda. "I would like to remind you that, besides now being a subject of the Zora Royal Family, you are still a subject of the Hyrule Royal Family. You have achieved the unique distinction of simultaneously offending princesses of both kingdoms by keeping us waiting. I expect you to kneel before us and ask forgiveness."

He could feel himself turning red. He started to drop to one knee and stammered, "Uh, Your Highnesses, I only stopped to speak...".

Before he could say another word, Mipha and Zelda both burst out laughing. "We're teasing you, Link," said Zelda. "Come on, stand up. And you should know we only tease you because we love you and know you're a good sport."

"Wow," Link said. "I admit you got me that time. I hope I never get on your bad side, Your Highnesses."

"Let's have lunch now," said Zelda.

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