Chapter 80 - Some North Hyrule History

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Summary: Queen Faray shows Mila and Link some startling North Hyrule technology and explains its history. Mila suggests a frightening possibility which Link considers. Link consults with the Sheikah at the Shrine of Transformation, then completes transforming to a Zora for his upcoming trip with Mipha.

It was a sunny morning in Zora's Domain, and Mila and Link were preparing to leave for North Hyrule together and a scheduled meeting there with Queen Faray.

"I'm sorry I can't go with you," said Mipha. "Father needs me here right now."

"Is Father alright?" said Link.

"He's fine. He just wants me here for some meetings," said Mipha. "Father likes to make sure I know about everything taking place here and also wants my opinion on some matters."

"Are you sure it's fine that we go now?" said Link. "Mila and I can easily postpone this trip."

"No, you should both go," said Mipha. "I want you to have this trip completed for me in time for our anniversary. I can't wait to spend some quality underwater time with you again. Say hello to Faray for me."

Link and Mipha kissed goodbye, Mipha and Mila hugged, and then Link and Mila made their way to the ferry to North Hyrule.

The sun shone brightly over the waters of Lanayru Bay, and the ferry bobbed gently up and down as people boarded from the pier. When it was time, the ship departed and was soon heading east out of Lanayru Bay toward the Akkala Sea.

"It's been quite a while since just the two of us were together in North Hyrule," said Link as they sat next to each other.

"Yes," said Mila. "And that was a trip I'm not likely ever to forget! It was the last time I saw Sopha, thank Nayru. I spent three weeks there visiting with Tila, and just talking with Sopha at meals gave me a chill. It felt like she was constantly probing you for information."

"Yes, she had quite the penetrating gaze," said Link. "I'm glad her sister is in charge now."

They watched the shore pass by as the ferry turned north into the Akkala Sea.

"What do you think this meeting is all about, Dad?" said Mila.

"I wish I knew for sure," said Link. "My instincts tell me it's nothing bad. They want to dispel any feelings of mistrust. I promised Laray I wouldn't say anything to anyone but Mom about my conversation with her."

"Link told me Tila's Tab had some North Hyrule only folder that only Tila could access," said Mila. "And parts of their history were removed from the library and marked as secret. It all sounds very mysterious, Dad, maybe even sinister. Are you sure Faray is not like her sister Sopha, only sneakier?"

"Am I sure?" said Link. "No, I can't be completely sure. But I have a good deal of experience dealing with people, Mila, and all my instincts and past contacts with her tell me Faray is on the level."

"You mean she's tail fin up," said Mila. "You really should try to learn our expressions, Dad. You've been living with us for almost 25 years now. It's not like it's a new language."

"I honestly keep trying, Mila, but I'm known for having memory issues," laughed Link. "Anyway, you get my drift."

"You mean I ride your wave," laughed Mila. "I'm not going to give up on you, though I sometimes think you're hopeless, Dad."

They sat quietly for a few minutes.

"I've been going through your journal, Dad, and as I read some parts of it, I began to worry," said Mila.

"What about, sweetheart?" said Link.

"You remember that time the Yiga Clan used magical masks to impersonate people they had killed," said Mila. "That was a terrible time for Hyrule as trust broke down, and people grew afraid, not knowing who was who. Then I began to think of the Shrine of Transformation and wondered if that could also be used to disguise someone's identity. How do we know Faray is really Faray at all, and not a transformed Sopha?"

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