Chapter 93 - Wedding Party Crasher

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Summary: Dr. Purah and Lapha finish their review of activity at the Shrine of Transformation and rule out any suspicion of Tila, but their findings are otherwise inconclusive. Astra celebrates her fifth birthday. One week later, Tila and Link marry at Zora's Domain, then travel to North Hyrule to begin their honeymoon at Coral Cove. Sopha's clone is part of the wedding party, allowing Sopha to reach Hyrule undetected, her plans unknown.

It was about a week before Link's and Tila's wedding, and Dr. Purah and Lapha were at the Royal Ancient Lab discussing the results of their review of the log files from the North Hyrule Shrine of Transformation.

"So, we've accounted for every transformation event in recent history but one," said Dr. Purah.

"Yes, and the one unaccounted event occurs when we know Tila was not present in North Hyrule. It happened during the month Tila was staying in Zora's Domain with my sister Mila. So, we can rule her out, as I expected. I'll let my brother know."

"Yes, I admit you were right," said Purah. "So, Princess Tila is in the clear. But what can you make of the one unaccounted event? You are closer to the information than me."

"The problem is someone was incredibly clever about it and managed to corrupt the log file for that event," said Lapha. "And before you ask, they could not change the date of the log entry. That procedure is at a very deep level of system code and tamper-proof. So, we can determine when the event happened, but not much about what happened."

"That's just wonderful!" said Purah sarcastically. "So, while Tila is in the clear, that leaves almost everyone else in North Hyrule suspect. But to do something like this, they must have had access to a person of considerable technical knowledge. So, it would be either a top Sheikah scientist or a high-ranking Zora official who had enough influence with a Sheikah scientist to do this. The most logical suspects are Sopha and Faray."

"Well, if character counts for anything, I would bet overwhelmingly on Sopha," said Lapha. "She was Queen when the event occurred, and you know her history."

"But, even assuming it was her, you cannot tell what was done?" said Dr. Purah.

"No, unfortunately," said Lapha. "There is no indication of who transformed or what they transformed into. We have no real evidence to confront anyone, just suspicion. So, there is not much we can do."

"Well, I assume both Faray and Sopha will be under guard while they are here for your brother's wedding next week," said Purah. "So, that's the best we can do, I guess. Good work, by the way. You remind me of me at your age."

"Thanks. And I assume you meant that as a compliment, Dr. Purah?" said Lapha.

"Well, I did," laughed Purah. "I hope you didn't take it as an insult!"

"Not at all, Dr. Purah," said Lapha. "I take it as a compliment as well."

It was the next morning at Hyrule Castle, and Astra was just waking up when her parents in the room next door heard her and walked in.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart!" said Queen Zelda and Prince Rudin as they each hugged and kissed Astra. She turned five today.

Astra beamed with pleasure as she hugged each of them back. Five years old was a big deal!

"Thank you, Mommy and Daddy!" said Astra. "I guess I'm a big girl today!"

"You are a big girl, sweetheart," said Rudin. "But not so big, you're not still our precious little girl."

Then Princess Zelda walked into Astra's room.

"I thought I heard you talking. Happy birthday, Astra," said Princess Zelda as she went to her, and they hugged and kissed as well.

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