Chapter 118 - Requiem For a Zora Champion

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Summary: Mipha's survival is concealed to buy time to develop defenses.

"Hello? Is that you, Lapha? What's wrong?" said Dr. Purah sleepily, her emergency Tab signal having awoken her in the middle of the night.

"Invisibility," said Lapha. "That's what Grendon was working on. It's consistent with everything we know. And Grendon remembered that Zora's don't need to rely on eyesight in the water, which was the basis for his dying remark."

"You may well be right," said Purah rubbing her eyes. "Good thinking. I will alert Queen Zelda. Now, let's start thinking about what we can do to combat this."

It wasn't until mid-morning that Link awoke first in their slumber pool, followed a few moments later by Mipha. Mipha had just recovered from a six-day coma due to the effects of a Shock Arrow, and both she and her exhausted husband Link had fallen back asleep afterward.

"Are you feeling any better?" said Link.

"Much better," said Mipha. "I feel like the effects have completely worn off now."

They embraced, and Mipha could feel the emotion in his touch, that he was clinging to her with greater urgency. It reminded her of his behavior after the damaged TimeShift Stone incident at Spool Bight.

"I know it must have been hard on you," said Mipha.

"I'm just glad you're well! But yes, it was hard on all of us, our whole family. It felt so empty and alone without you. I didn't want to sleep because I kept waiting to see you move, any sign you were improving. I, we always believed you would recover, though. And now I want to find out who's responsible for this and mete out some retribution."

"I knew you would react that way, but you need to control yourself," said Mipha. "None of us want you recklessly rushing off into danger."

"I won't be reckless," said Link. "But I also won't rest until whoever did this pays for it. There's a call with Zelda this morning to discuss matters, and it includes Father and Sidon, along with both of us. But the invite message says we are not to leave our house but to take the call from home."

"We should get up in any case," said Mipha. "I think we've both rested enough."

They both got up, and while Link dressed, Mipha left their room. But when she reached the kitchen, the rest of the family was there waiting and rushed to her, surrounding her all at once.

"We missed you, Mom," said Mila. "We all need some nice long hugs from you now. Since I'm the oldest, I get to go first."

"I love all of you so much," said Mipha as she wiped her eyes and then embraced her oldest daughter. "I'm sorry for worrying all of you."

"Come on, Mi," said Midon after a moment, as Mila clung to her mother. "You're only a few minutes older than me. It's my turn."

Everyone then took a turn, ending with little Tara, who Mipha hugged and kissed.

"Gramma," said Tara.

Then, as usual, she turned to her father and said, "Grammaaaaa."

Everyone laughed as young Link shook his head. By then, Link had joined them.

"Now, please sit down, Mom," said Lapha. "We caught a nice Hearty Bass for you, and you need to build up your strength. And Dad, Midon cooked one for you as well. We think it's the first time Midon ever cooked a fish, so good luck."

"Very funny," said Midon. "I've watched Dad, too, you know."

As Link and Mipha ate, he explained they had to take a call from Zelda soon but was astonished to learn they all knew about the request and were invited to the meeting as well.

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