Chapter 110 - Gerudo Town Gossip

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Summary: Mipha comforts Mila during Link's absence. Disguised as a Vai named Dorian, Link does some snooping around Gerudo Town but is less skilled at it than hoped.

Mipha awoke early to the sound of heavy rain beating against their house by Mikau Lake. She turned and looked next to her, but she didn't need to. She already felt the emptiness of their bedroom slumber pool. Link would have loved listening to the rain, and they would have cuddled together for a while. She was so used to having him there with her, to talk to and to hold. Checking her Tab, she noticed there was no new message from Dorian3_KV, but it was still very early.

She suspected there might be more to Link's mission than he let on or perhaps more than he himself realized. For example, the technology staff at Hyrule Castle were worried about his Tab messages being intercepted, hence all the subterfuge involving a different Tab and identity. But intercepting Tab messages was difficult, and so the precautions being taken were those used against someone technically sophisticated.

Anyway, she might as well get up and get breakfast. Rain or shine, as long as there wasn't lightning, swimming was swimming. Mipha assumed everyone else must still be asleep as she quietly made her way downstairs. So, she was quite surprised to see Mila already sitting at the dining table.

"Mila, dear! You're already up?" said Mipha.

"Hi, Mom. I couldn't sleep much," said Mila. "Here, I caught a huge Hearty Bass. I hope you have more of an appetite than I do."

"Thanks, sweetheart," said Mipha. "But what's wrong?"

"You know what's wrong, Mom," said Mila. "I keep pretending to myself I outgrew it. I even told Dad that I had, that I was old enough now. How do you manage to deal with it?"

"You just have to trust that he can take care of himself, sweetheart," said Mipha sitting across from her and taking her hand. "And he usually can."

"But there have been so many times that he couldn't!" said Mila. "I was a young girl when I saved him from dying after he battled his evil twin, and then there was that time with Sopha in North Hyrule. And just recently, Astra saved him. How long can we count on a current of luck flowing his way?"

"I'd like to think there was more to it than just luck," said Mipha. "He is blessed by the Goddess, Mila, and I think she is the one looking out for him. Those of us who help him are her instruments. But if I told you I didn't worry, it wouldn't be true. I worry too. So, let's share this tasty looking fish and our worries, alright?"

Mila laughed.

"Have you heard from Dad?" said Mila as she ate a piece of fish.

"He Tabbed me last night," said Mipha after swallowing a bite. "He's at the Kara Kara oasis, and all is well so far. Aren't you teaching today?"

"No, I requested a substitute fill in for me today," said Mila. "I didn't get enough rest, and I can't concentrate. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow."

"In that case, unless you have other plans, let's spend the day together, just the two of us," said Mipha. "I miss spending time with my oldest little girl. Let's take the ferry to the North Hyrule shore. You can sleep on the boat. There are some tasty porgies and crabs there, besides a chance for some fun swimming in the surf."

Mila smiled.

"I don't know how you do it, Mom," said Mila. "Some days, I think you're younger than me! But that sounds like fun."

"Good!" smiled Mipha. "We can leave right after we finish this tasty fish, and Tab Midon and Lapha about where we went."

After they finished the fish, Mipha and Mila made their way across East Reservoir Lake to the ferry terminal at Spool Bight. The rain didn't bother them, and they spoke while on the way.

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