Chapter 156 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 5

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Summary: Revali and the Rito deal with the shrines in northwest Hyrule. After reuniting with his family, Linky joins his brother Midon for some simulation combat training. Queen Zelda brings Princess Zelda into planning. The pace at which monsters emerge from shrines quickens, as does their strength. Queen Zelda and Link discuss traveling to Eventide Island in hopes of confronting the source of the conflict.

The air was bitter cold as Revali piloted Divine Beast Vah Medoh over Northwest Hyrule, destroying hordes of monsters on the ground below along the way. Blue ancient energy shot out from Medoh's beak along with occasional bursts of fiery energy from its canons, dotting the snow below with puffs of purple smoke that quickly vanished in the wind. A dozen Rito warriors had followed Medoh at the outset. Then four broke off and remained behind at each shrine Revali completed his attack upon to secure it and destroy any monsters Medoh may have missed along the way.

"What a reckless waste of life!" Revali muttered to himself as he thought about the countless enemies Medoh destroyed in its flight. But upon further thought, he realized these enemies were not living creatures in the usual sense, but things of Ganon's creation that disappeared into nothingness when destroyed, perhaps only to be recreated once again inside a shrine.

After leaving Rito Village, Revali had first steered Medoh south to deal with the Tena Ko'sah Shrine at Ancient Columns. Then Medoh flew north along the western edge of Hyrule, destroying enemies coming from the Icefall Foothills that were making their way south along the flatlands west of the Hebra West Summit. After working his way to the lonely Hia Miu Shrine in the far northwest, Revali turned Medoh southeast to deal with the Mozo Shenno Shrine's enemies on Biron Snowfield. Then Medoh flew onward, ending up at Hebra Peak. After destroying an army of Lynels on the ground, Medoh landed and focused its beam on the Goma Asaagh Shrine itself, ending its ability to seed more enemies into battle.

"That's that for now, Medoh," said Revali as he glanced approvingly around the area now empty of monsters.

Revali and Rito Captain Maki had earlier agreed to station Medoh at Hebra Peak, as dealing with Lynels there would be a challenge for Rito archers. However, Medoh was available for short missions elsewhere if needed. Then he called Captain Maki.

"Hebra Peak is secure," said Revali. "What about the other three shrines?"

"Our warriors report they have them under control," said Maki. "Shall I inform Hyrule Command?"

"No, I'll do it myself," said Revali. "Let me know if anything changes."

"Understood," said Maki as they ended the call.

Revali then called General Haston at Hyrule Command headquarters.

"General, let Her Majesty know that the Rito have contained the four shrines north of Tanagar Canyon," said Revali. "And she can let me know if she needs any additional help."

"I will, thank you, Master Revali, and that's magnificent work. I know Her Majesty will be both pleased and grateful," said General Haston, ending the call. He knew enough about Revali to appeal to his ego, though in this case, it was justified.

Meanwhile, at Orsedd Bridge in Central Hyrule, battle sounds filled the air as Hylian soldiers defended the river crossing. Wooden Bokoblin clubs thudded against Hylian shields, soldiers grunted and sometimes cried out in pain, arrows whistled through the air, and monsters let out a dying shriek whenever they were defeated. Hylian archers were striking down approaching foes from a distance while soldiers with spears and swords engaged in close combat. More enemies had been destroyed than anyone could count. And if defeated Bokoblins and Moblins didn't vanish into purple vapor, by now their dead bodies would be piled high across the battlefield, and the river choked with floating corpses.

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