Chapter 79 - Twenty-Five Years - Part 3

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Summary: The twenty-fifth victory celebration is held at Hyrule Castle, briefly reuniting the original Champions. Young Link starts to decide on his career.

Hyrule Castle never looked grander. Long blue banners, the same color as the Champion's outfits, hung from many of the castle walls. Each banner was divided into four sections, and each section contained the symbol of one of the four Divine Beasts outlined in white. Pennants of the same color flew in the breeze attached to the castle turrets. Flowers decorated parts of the grounds, primarily of the Silent Princess variety that Zelda loved so much. They were all part of the twenty-fifth-anniversary victory celebration decorations.

Castle Town merchants had stocked up on souvenirs and extra goods to sell to the visitors who had come from all over Hyrule for the occasion. Restaurants had been paid to help supply the food and drink that would be available for free during the festivities. A crowd had been gathering from early morning until the castle grounds had swelled with visitors.

Inside the castle dining hall, a group of famous people was gathered. Older folks knew who they were from personal knowledge, and younger ones had studied them in history. Daruk, Link, Mipha, Revali, Urbosa, and Queen Zelda were all gathered there for a light buffet lunch before the official start of the ceremonies. Most had arrived earlier that morning, but Revali had just flown in. They were all sitting around the table now.

"So, we're all together again," said Revali. "I hope people appreciate the trouble we all go through in coming here."

"Why are you complaining, Revali?" said Daruk. "You have the least trouble of all of us. You just flew straight here."

"Some things never change," laughed Urbosa. "It's good to see all of you again. We should enjoy this time together. We may never have another."

"It seems not that long ago we were celebrating twenty years," said Zelda. "The years are going by faster and faster."

"Except for Mipha here, we're all getting old," said Daruk. "But everyone can still wear their Champion outfit, and that's good to see. Is anyone speaking besides you, Zelda?"

"Zelda insisted I say something," said Link. "Probably because she knows how much I hate public speaking."

"I told you it doesn't have to be a long talk, Link," laughed Zelda. "I'm sure you'll do fine. You always rise to the occasion. As usual, I set aside a private dinner this evening for all of us to chat. This afternoon our families can join us. But I think it's time now for the ceremony. Is everyone ready?"

The six of them made their way to a temporary stage by the castle entrance, and the crowd applauded. Each of the Champions waved, acknowledging the recognition. Many in the audience were using their Tabs to take pictures.

There was a VIP guest seating area close to the stage reserved for family and other distinguished guests, which included Prince Rudin, Princess Zelda, Sidon, Mila, Midon, young Link, Lapha, Purah, Robbie, Impa, Faray, Tila, Laray, and several others. King Dorephan had elected not to attend saying one of his family needed to stay behind.

There were seats on the stage facing the audience for all of the Champions, and everyone but Zelda sat down. Zelda stood and signaled for the crowd to quiet down. Then she spoke.

Welcome to the 25th anniversary of one of the greatest moments in Hyrule history, our triumph over a great evil that threatened our kingdom. Some of us remember that day very well; many of you do not. Our victory was thanks to the people you see on the stage here with me, and today we honor them for what they did. I know you have come here to party, to enjoy yourselves, not listen to speeches. So, only two of us will briefly speak, the hero of Hyrule, and then myself. Given how few speeches there are, I ask you to please give us the courtesy of your attention for that short time. So, without further ado, I am pleased to introduce my loyal appointed knight, a Captain of the Royal Guards, and most importantly, the hero of Hyrule, Lnk, I mean Link.

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