Chapter 137 - Step One Complete

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Summary: The search for useful information from ancient Sheikah documents continues. While staying in Zora's Domain, Astra grows close to Tara. The Luminous Stone containing Dark Link's spirit is finally located and extracted by the Poe Collector.

"This has got to be the most boring reading ever!" exclaimed Robbie as he threw down a document and picked up another.

"Well, remember that when you write up your research notes," laughed Purah. "Think of the poor researcher who may read them years from now."

"At least my notes are in our common language," said Robbie. "But whatever. I'll keep reading."

"How are you coming along, Princess Lapha?" said Purah.

It was late morning at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab near Hyrule Castle, and Purah, Robbie, and Lapha were gathered around a large table while boxes of documents lay on the floor behind them. For the last few weeks, they had been reading through the material recovered from the old Yiga Clan hideout for anything that might prove useful.

"I have to agree with Dr. Robbie," said Lapha. "So far, most of what I've read are everyday items one might find in a newspaper. Now and then, I find something technical. But obviously, we still have quite a bit to go."

Lapha nodded her head at the untouched boxes on the floor behind them.

"I wonder when we Sheikah converted to the common tongue?" said Robbie. "I was never big on history."

"I would imagine those of our ancestors who remained in Hyrule and swore allegiance to the Hyrule Royal Family adopted the common language around that time," said Purah. "And the Sheikah who emigrated to North Hyrule adopted it as well after pledging their allegiance to the Zora Kingdom already there. Those Sheikah, who eventually formed the Yiga Clan, collected some of the research papers that those Sheikah who foreswore technology abandoned. And the Yiga retained our original language for a much longer time."

"Another reason to hate them," said Robbie as he threw down one page and then picked up another. "You would think the materials would be better organized."

"Well, the Gerudo who gathered them couldn't read them, and they may have inadvertently contributed to the disorganization," said Purah. "Let's all keep at it, but a break now might be good. As usual, I'll have lunch brought in for everyone, as I don't want us to have to eat rune made food. Any preference for the type of fish Princess Lapha?"

"I'll just go out and catch my own again if it's all the same to you, Dr. Purah," said Lapha. "It's fresher that way. Back in a few minutes."

Lapha left the lab, dove into the nearby water, and caught a Hyrule Bass. After finishing it with a few tasty bites, she consulted her Tab. There wasn't much, but there was a new message from Linky along with a picture of Tara playing in the water.

Link_NH:To:Lapha_ZD::Hope all is well, Laff. I wish you were here. See you soon. Love from all of us.

She smiled at the cute picture, Tara splashing her Dad. She had always been close to Linky, her little Hylian brother, and taken good care of him growing up. And he remembered that. Even after getting married and starting a family, Linky thought to message her often. She answered she was fine, just busy reading old manuscripts, and hoped to see them soon. Give Tara a kiss for her.

She put away her Tab and rejoined Purah and Robbie in the lab.

Meanwhile, in Zora's Domain, Mipha, Link, Astra, Tila, Linky, and Tara were having a picnic at the foot of the lower level of Mikau Lake near their house. Astra had returned again and was staying in Zora's Domain for another week. At the moment, Astra was playing in the water with Tara.

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