Chapter 92 - Extended Family

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Summary: Tila visits Zora's Domain as young Link's fiancée. Queen Zelda discusses Link's assignment with Princess Zelda. Lapha reports to Dr. Purah on the results of her North Hyrule research. Tila and Link have lunch with Queen and Princess Zelda to discuss Link's future. Sopha has an unsettling conversation with someone surprisingly like her.

It was evening in North Hyrule, and Tila was pacing back and forth near where her sister Faray was sitting down.

"Why doesn't he answer?" said Tila after sending yet another message and calling Link with no response. "I hope nothing is wrong! He said earlier his family supported our marriage, but maybe something made them change their mind, and he doesn't have the heart to tell me. But how could they do that? I know he loves me, and I know I love him. How can they stand in the way of true love like that? It's just not right, Faray!"

"Ti, will you please calm down and stop worrying," said Faray. "You're hopping back and forth like a Hot-Footed Frog! Link is probably busy with his family and forgot his Tab. I'm sure everything is fine. Why would they suddenly change their mind?"

"I hope you're right," said Tila. "But I can't take this suspense any longer! I'm going to Tab Mila and find out what Link is doing. I have to know if anything is wrong."

"I wish you would!" said Faray. "You're driving me crazy with what I am sure is needless worrying."

Meanwhile, in Zora's Domain, young Link was swimming with Lapha and her friends at Ruto Lake after returning home earlier that day with the news Tila had accepted his marriage proposal. Mila was in her room working on her North Hyrule history book when her Tab alerted her to a new message.

Tila_NH:To:Mila_ZD::Hi Mi, do you know where Link is? He's not answering, and I'm worried.

Mila_ZD:To:Tila_NH::With Lapha and her friends at the lake. I bet he forgot his Tab. Shall I get him, sister?

Tila_NH:To Mila_ZD:: Oh, dear Mila, you just answered my question! I've been treading water, wondering if your family was on wave about Link and me. Hearing you call me sister is such a relief!

Mila_ZD:To:Tila_NH:: Relax and don't worry!! Everyone is happy for you both!

Tila_NH:To Mila_ZD:: Thank you, sister, you are the best! See you next weekend.

"See?" said Faray observing Tila's reaction. "Now can you relax and be yourself again? And let me relax too?"

"Yes," said Tila smiling. "I am so happy, Fa!"

Back in Zora's Domain, Mila smiled. It was unusual for Tila to be insecure about anything. She was usually very self-confident and certainly had every reason to be. She was the center of attention at almost any gathering, and she had been an excellent student.

But then, of course, there was Tila's sister, Sopha, to consider. In the past Tila had expressed concern that being Sopha's sister would make it difficult for Mila's family's to accept her. I mean, Sopha had tried to murder Mipha and Link, so it was a little unsettling to have her as a family member. The only resistance to Tila that Mila had sensed from her family came from Lapha and her Dad. Mila thought Lapha was overly protective, and maybe a little possessive, of a little brother she took care of who suddenly grew up too fast on her. Her Dad was just the cautious type, always looking for hidden danger. It was his survival instinct and generally served him well. But even he seemed to have finally relented. Anyway, it was getting late, and she needed to teach class tomorrow. She slid into the slumber pool in her room and closed her eyes.

Young Link had forgotten his Tab and had left it in his room when he went swimming with Lapha after dinner. He returned to his room to find a string of unanswered messages from Tila.

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