Chapter 63 - Gone But I'll Return

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Summary: At Zelda's urging, Link leaves Mipha's world, for now, cutting short their time together, and returns to being a Hylian. Mipha can't resist teasing him about his Hylian shortcomings. Mila and Midon discuss their plans after graduation. Lapha's prowess with technology is recognized.

Several hours had passed, and the equipment signaled Link's transformation back to a Hylian was complete by sounding an alert. Then the chamber lid slowly opened. The Sheikah scientist in charge examined him. All was well, and he was perfectly healthy. Mipha had been asked to wait outside the chamber area during the process, but she was messaged to return now.

"He's fine," said the scientist to Mipha as she approached the chamber where Link lay, still unconscious. "He just needs a little time to wake up. Then he may be disoriented, but that should soon pass."

Mipha peered into the chamber, and the first thing she noticed was that he was naked.

"Oh!" said Mipha. "I should have expected that. And we forgot to bring any clothing. Do you have any garments we can borrow?"

"Yes, of course," said the scientist. "Let me go get you something. Just keep an eye on him, and if he wakes up while I'm gone, tell him he needs to take things slowly. Don't try to be a hero."

Mipha laughed. Don't try to be a hero, indeed.

The scientist went off to hunt down some clothing, and Mipha looked down at Link as he rested there.

He was back to his old self, the handsome young Hylian with the cute blonde hair and boyish good looks. He looked so calm and peaceful now, relaxed, not a worry in the world.

And he still looked very much like he did as a young teenager. If you saw him walking around at that time, you would think he was just some ordinary kid, maybe a bit on the quiet side. You wouldn't pay any particular attention to him. He didn't brag or strut or swagger or act conceited. He usually kept to himself and minded his own business. He could be moody sometimes, but he was basically good-natured, willing to listen to anyone who needed help. He was the kind of kid a stranger might ask to help gather wood, and he wouldn't mind and would happily do it for them like he had nothing more important to do.

But if evil threatened and he drew his sword, then you would see a side of him you wouldn't believe existed. There would be a fearless determination in those bright blue eyes of his. And that shy, modest, quiet kid who might have helped you with your chores suddenly became the most formidable adversary in all of Hyrule and willing to risk his life to protect you. His combat skills were second to none, a fluid blur of precise movements, and a wonder to behold. As long as you weren't his opponent, that is.

Even today, he still had all those skills. But the fame he had earned never went to his head, though he sometimes reflected on how quickly it passed. He was a remarkable person, able to balance the two extremes of his nature and not let the ruthless side of him affect his kind and caring side.

She reached out and gently stroked his head of hair, brushing some of it off his face. That was one thing she had missed.

After a few more minutes, Link blinked his eyes opened, and stared straight ahead, waiting for them to focus. Then he turned his head and saw Mipha looking down at him. He smiled and tried to speak, but the sounds out of his mouth made no sense. He moistened his mouth, swallowed, and tried again. This time it worked.

"Hello? Have we met?" said Link.

"Do you feel presentable to meet a princess?" said Mipha.

Link looked down at himself and realized he was naked.

"Fortunately, we have met," Mipha continued. "But, oh dear, another memory loss? I've heard that a small shock to the system, such as a smack, can alleviate selective amnesia like this. Shall we try that remedy?"

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