Chapter 55 - Moving On - Part 2

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Summary: Mipha reacquaints herself with Ruta as Link overcomes his uneasiness. Mipha explains how she trained and controlled the Divine Beast. Dr. Purah issues a report to Zelda on the Vera time travel anomaly, prompting a rare criticism of Link and a discussion of his loyalties. Laray makes some friends as she prepares to return home. News of King Rhoam's deteriorating health saddens those who know him as they visit Hyrule Castle for a final farewell and then to pay their respects.

It was a typical school day, and after breakfast, Mipha and Link found themselves home alone. Yesterday Mipha had introduced Laray to some people she knew, and Laray had left with two of them for a day trip to Castle Town.

"The house is so quiet now," said Link. "We went from eight people to two. Not that I mind just the two of us here. In fact, that can be kind of nice."

"Yes, it can, but I want to spend this morning with Ruta," said Mipha. "Laray will be back in time for Laina's party tonight, the one Gaddison told you about. I told her we would both go with her, and I think that made her feel more comfortable. Meanwhile, I'd like you to come with me. Ruta and I need to spend some time together, and I'd like you to keep me company."

"You know I find Ruta creepy," said Link. "Do you really need me there? I'll gladly come with you as far as the lake and wait for you," said Link.

"No, I'd really like you to join me," said Mipha. "I think it's been long enough, Link, and it's time to get over your uneasiness. Ruta is special to me. Do you have the same bad feelings about the other Divine Beasts?"

"No, but I didn't linger very long inside any of them, either. I already told you why Ruta was different. To me, Ruta was your tomb. Do I have to explain all that again?" said Link.

"No, I heard it all before, and I know it was painful for you," said Mipha. "But that happened to you over twenty-five years ago, Link, and it never happened here at all. Ruta is not a tomb. She's special, almost alive. Once you bond with her, she's like a giant enormously powerful friend, someone you care about and who does what you ask, but who also does its part to look out for you. It would mean a lot to me if you came with me."

Mipha looked him in the eyes and smiled, and Link paused for a moment.

"Alright, I guess you're right, it has been long enough. And how could I say 'no' when you give me that look? Let's go," said Link.

"Wear your Zora Armor," said Mipha. "There's a waterfall shortcut inside Ruta we may want to use."

Link put on the Zora Armor and joined Mipha as they made their way to East Reservoir Lake. The weather was pleasant, sunny with no chance of rain this morning. Link took her hand as they walked together.

"I know we used to go to East Reservoir Lake quite a bit to swim and be together," said Link. "I do remember some things."

"I'm glad of that. We've been going there together for quite a long time. When you were still small, I brought you there to teach you to swim. We had plenty of room, and there were no fast currents or waterfalls like in Ruto Lake. It took me a while to figure out the best approach for you since you lack fins and foot webbing. But you never got discouraged, and we figured it out together. It was funny. You were generally alone, except when you were playing with those three troublemaker friends of yours. And you always seemed happy to see me when we came across each other. Though maybe that was because of all the cuts and bruises I healed for you. I like to think I took the place of some family you never had back then, with your mother gone and no siblings. When I told Father about you and how cute you were, he told me not to get too attached to you, that you would grow up quickly and leave the Domain. I said I understood that, but you could use someone to look out for you in the meantime. If only I had listened to my father."

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