Chapter 150 - A Warning Missed

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Summary: The Hyrule authorities investigate the Lizalfos sighting near Tenoko Island but dismiss it as a false alarm. Lapha works with Purah and Robbie to develop a pilot travel gate to the Divine Beasts. Mipha and Link do some combat training simulations in Ruta before preparing to leave for Eventide Island.

It was late afternoon in Lurelin Village, and Andes, a young fisherman, had experienced an unpleasant encounter with two lizard shaped creatures in the open sea near Tenoko Island earlier that day. As was typical of families who lived off the sea, they rose early in the morning, so their dinner meals were early as well. After dinner, Andes had been discussing the incident with his father, Mandor, a retired fisherman.

"A Li-zal-fos? Is that how you say it? What was it?" said Andes.

"They were a type of lizard monster that used to terrorize people," said Mandor. "They went extinct not long after the Great Calamity, or so everyone thought. All that happened before you were born, son. But we need to report this to the Hyrule authorities."

"Report it? Is that really necessary? Won't that affect our fishing?" said Andes.

"They were very dangerous carnivores, son. They killed many people back in the day, and we're lucky all they did was spit at you. If you saw two of them, there may be more. We need to alert the Hyrule authorities. It's the kingdom's job to investigate this and protect our village. You're completely sure of what you saw?"

"Yes, very sure, Dad," said Andes. "They were just as I described."

"Then we need to call it in," said Mandor. "We can make the call together now. But don't be surprised at some skepticism. Monsters haven't been seen for a long time."

They called the emergency number and were connected at once.

"Is this a life-threatening situation?" asked one of the guards on duty at Hyrule Castle, who answered the call. He sat before an interactive map of Hyrule that displayed caller Tab locations.

"No, but we need to report something serious," said Andes.

"All right, go ahead," said the guard.

If the situation had been life-threatening, there were a limited number of Rito who could assist. And they also possessed some recently developed drones that could be used. First aid supplies could, of course, be created directly by rune from Tabs.

Mandor nodded to his son, and Andes described the encounter.

"You say you encountered two giant lizards in the water?" said the guard after Andes finished. "Something you think was called a Liz-al-fos?"

"Yes," said Andes.

"I never heard of them," said the guard. "You say you weren't actually attacked, right? Are you injured in any way? Are you sure what you saw was not simply a type of marine life you were unfamiliar with? I'm trying to understand the nature of the emergency, sir."

"Excuse me," said Mandor, interrupting. "Please check with one of your superiors or look it up somehow. Trust me. If these were Lizalfos, they are dangerous monsters, and not something to be ignored."

"Very well, please calm down," said the guard. "I'll let my lieutenant know, and I'll send a pair of guards to investigate. The closest ones to you at the moment are by the Lakeside Rest Area. They should be able to reach you in less than two hours. I have your location, thanks."

The call ended, and the dispatcher notified two guards at the Lakeside Rest Area as well as his superior, Lieutenant Lafton, who was nearby.

"Monsters?" said Lafton. "That would be big news if true! But it's more likely the fisherman was mistaken. He only got a glimpse of them, then fled, right?"

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