Chapter 38 - Beginnings and Endings

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Summary: A new generation of Champions are appointed. But the old Champions may not be entirely done, and Link has his day of reckoning with his dark twin.

It was five years now since Mipha became Queen and life in Zora's Domain had settled down. She had grown comfortable in the role, and her people respected her.

Link was continuing his fitness program to stay combat ready. He trained every morning and hadn't forgotten the battle he would eventually have when the time came with his dark twin. He wondered if his dark twin was training also?

Mila and Midon were fourteen years old now, and pretty self-reliant. They often liked catching their own meals. And getting together with friends was more fun than family outings now. Their friends had come to accept the presence of guards wherever Mila or Midon went. At first, everyone felt self-conscious about it. But eventually, the guards just blended into the background and weren't thought of anymore.

Lapha and little Link were five years old now and had started school. They had decided to keep little Link in Zora's Domain rather than send him to Hyrule Castle for school.

Sidon had finished school and had two years of combat training with Link. Link thought Sidon did pretty well at combat and he could handle himself skillfully with just about anyone now. His father would have been proud of him. And Sidon had gone through his growth spurt and now towered over everyone. Mipha felt Sidon was finally ready to start learning Divine Beast Vah Ruta and eventually assume the role of Zora Champion. They would begin lessons this afternoon after lunch while Mila and Midon were in school.

What was happening in Zora's Domain was being repeated in Rito Village, Gerudo Town, and Goron City. Each Champion was starting to train a successor. Not that they were too old quite yet, but it had been fifteen years since they had fought Ganon and time was catching up on the older Champions like Urbosa and Daruk. Aside from Sidon, the next generation of Champions would be people Link had never met. He had met the next generation after that in his original timeline, Teba, Yunobo, and Riju. One hundred years was a long time for any race but the Zora.

And there was also talk that King Rhoam would be stepping down soon and hand over the rule of Hyrule to his daughter. He was getting on in years now and had come to realize he lacked the energy to do what was needed.

And what of Link himself? If he was victorious over Dark Link and they could destroy the Yiga Clan, then Hyrule should have peace for many years. His job as hero would indeed be finished. What would life be like then? But maybe that wouldn't happen. What if he lost to Dark Link? Or they killed each other? He would do his best to make sure he didn't fail by training harder. But if they destroyed each other, it would at least help bring peace to Hyrule and be a fitting end to his career, though it would be painful for his family. Anyway, who knew what the future held?

It was time for Sidon's first lesson with Ruta. Mipha, Sidon, Link and four guards walked up the stairs to East Reservoir Lake. Two of the guards stayed on shore while the other two swam out to Ruta with Mipha, Link, and Sidon. Mipha opened the entrance to Ruta, and she and Sidon went inside along with one of the guards. The other guard waited outside at the entrance and Link stayed with him.

"You're not going inside, Link?" asked the guard named Lazz.

"No," said Link. "Ruta always makes me uneasy. Brings back bad memories."

"Sorry to hear that," said Lazz. "Well, it's pleasant enough out here, and I'm happy for the company."

"How are all of you getting on, with the changes I mean? I know it's been a few years now," said Link.

"Oh, we're all doing fine," said Lazz. "Her Majesty, being younger and more active, gets out a lot more than His Majesty did, so in some ways, our work is more varied and interesting but also more challenging. We in the Royal Guard all felt bad about what happened and have pledged to ourselves never to let something like that happen again. There is a lot more security around the Domain now, some of which you don't see. But it's there."

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