Chapter 43: Twentieth Anniversary Memories

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Summary: Zelda keeps advancing Hyrule's modernization as Mipha and Link reflect on it. Mipha holds her monthly staff meeting to discuss events around Hyrule. One twentieth anniversary passes without much fanfare in the Domain, followed shortly afterward by a happier romantic one.

It was just over three months now since Robbie's research and Link's mission to North Hyrule had resolved the issue with Sheikah Tabs, and their production had expanded rapidly. Tabs were hugely successful. Everyone loved their instant communication and the ability to take and send pictures. At the same time, roads began to be paved, and mechanized vehicles started to be produced that would soon become more popular than horses. Stables expanded in size and offered more services, performing double duty as horse stables and places to shop and refuel. Manufacturing and support infrastructure were developed. In short, Zelda was taking Hyrule through an industrial revolution of sorts.

Of course, not everyone in Hyrule was thrilled with the new direction. Some liked the old way of life they had always enjoyed. They preferred horses and letters to motorized vehicles and instant messages. And Zelda did not want to force anything on such people. So, for example, roads were paved to make travel smoother, but an unpaved lane was preserved for travel by horse. And Zelda's love of plants and flowers made her assure any plans for development protected as much of nature as possible. She did not want to destroy Hyrule's natural beauty. Mail service continued and even improved since letters could be delivered faster now.

Zelda worked tirelessly on this modernization project. It was her dream to achieve Hyrule's greatness, to bring about a golden age and enrich her people's lives. And she firmly believed this was the way to do it.

Back in Zora's Domain it was a rainy morning and had been raining hard since before sunrise. The children had already left for class. After seeing them off, Mipha had returned to the pool of water where Link was still resting. He was feeling lazy this morning, and the sound of the steady rain splashing everywhere was soothing.

"With all this rain, it's nice not to have to get up yet," said Link.

"Why?" said Mipha. "You don't want to get wet? You know you're resting in water, right?"

"Very funny, sweetheart," said Link. "I guess I'm just being lazy, but it feels good just staying here for now."

"We can rest a while longer," said Mipha. "You know I don't mind keeping you company. Close your eyes and sleep if you want."

"No, I'd rather talk with you if you don't mind. You know, I always liked not getting up and listening to the rain if I could," said Link. "I used to feel a bit guilty about it, but it was one of the few pleasures I had traveling alone. I would stay under the tent and try to wait for the rain to stop, particularly if I knew the next part of my trip involved a lot of climbing. It was relaxing, and Epona would alert me if she sensed any danger."

"This rain reminds me of a time we were together," said Mipha. "It was before you drew the sword. We took a long walk that day, all the way to Ralis Pond. Soon after we got there, it started pouring rain. You were so sweet and considerate. You said something like 'I'm so sorry you're getting all wet. I didn't think to bring a cloak.' I thanked you and told you I didn't mind getting wet. So, we sat there and talked and waited out the rain. Then the sun came out. You were soaked, so I suggested you take off your tunic and let it dry. You started blushing, saying you felt funny doing that until I reminded you we had swum together and you wore less than that then. So, you finally did. We sat and talked until late in the afternoon. By then your tunic was all dry. It had actually dried earlier, but I was enjoying the time with you, so I wasn't going to say anything. Eventually, you were starving, though, since we hadn't brought any food. We walked back to the Domain, cooked some fish, and had dinner together in one of the gazebo structures. After we ate you walked me home, and when we got there we found little Sidon, angry at both of us because he had expected me to play with him that afternoon and you kept me away. So, we both played with him for a little while in one of the pools, and after you left, I told him a sleep time story. He was fine. You were more talkative than usual that day, and I remember it as just one of those happy times we spent together. I wish you could remember it too."

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