Chapter 157 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 6

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Summary: Attacks worsen as monsters increase in strength and emerge from shrines more quickly. Linky and Midon aid in defense of Zora's Domain, while Mipha returns to pilot Ruta. On the eve of Link's departure to Eventide Island, he shares his concerns with Mipha about his upcoming battle and reflects on the beautiful life he has had with her.

It was raining near the Inogo Bridge as six Zora guards took turns in groups of three battling the Lizalfos that emerged one-by-one from the Soh Kofi Shrine. They had initially worked in two teams of two guards each. But as more Blue Lizalfos took the place of the less formidable green ones, it took three guards each to be confident of destroying an enemy before another emerged.

"I can't tell you how much I detest the color purple now," said one of the guards after their latest enemy vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"Get ready," said another guard. "I think another one is coming."

As they stood at the alert, another Lizalfos materialized at the shrine entrance. But this one differed from the others. It was a Black Lizalfos, an enemy more resilient and more formidable than its Blue brethren, and it looked every bit the part.

"Zodont! Help!" shouted one of the Zora guards named Jalon to the other team of three as Jalon and his two teammates prepared to battle it. "One of you try to get behind it!".

Two guards remained ready in case another Lizalfos appeared while one guard from the second team joined the battle, making it four against one.

The Lizalfos eyed its opponents and prepared to strike, while the three Zora guards facing it kept it distracted by making stabbing motions at it with their spears. The fourth guard quietly moved to get behind it. For all their skill as fighters, Lizalfos were notoriously poor at seeing where an opponent who struck them from behind went and would blindly turn around even if their adversary had moved directly in front of it.

After a moment, the Lizalfos flung its vicious Tri-Boomerang at the group facing it. But Jalon and the others knew what to expect and ducked or dodged in time. In the few seconds that the Lizalfos watched and waited for its weapon's return, the lone guard rushed behind it and administered a sneak strike, knocking it to the ground. As predicted, when the Lizalfos rose, it turned about, at which point the three guards now behind it finished it with their spears, and another cloud of purple vapor floated away.

"Whew!" said Jalon. "I have to report this. We've been dealing with Green and Blue ones all this time, but now we have Black ones to deal with. I'm afraid we'll need reinforcements, and this may mean longer shifts."

Jalon contacted Zora Captain Larah to report the incident.

"Captain, we're seeing stronger enemies, and we need help," said Jalon. "We could use at least two more of us here."

"I'll send three more guards at once to be sure, Jalon," said Larah.

"I have to go, Captain! Here comes another one!" exclaimed Jalon, ending the call as another Black Lizalfos materialized, and the battle was on once more.

Larah ordered three additional guards to assist at both the Inogo Bridge and Ulria Grotto shrines, then reported the incident by Tab to Prince Sidon, who was conferring with King Dorephan, Mipha and Link at that very moment in the throne room.

"The monsters are getting stronger, Prince Sidon," said Larah. "We're being attacked by Black Lizalfos now, and I'm sending six more of our forces to contain them."

"Very well, Larah," said Sidon. "I will let Hyrule Command know."

"All of you heard?" said Sidon as he ended the call and turned back to the others.

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