Chapter 175 - Thoughts About Tila

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Summary: Princess Zelda has words with the Goron Ambassador. Midon and Lapha join Linky, Mila, and Tara for waterfall races in the Faron Region. Two of Tila's friends from North Hyrule visit her at Zora's Domain. Link takes Mila's and Mipha's advice and agrees to begin filling in some gaps in the early portions of his journal. An underground chamber of unknown purpose is discovered at the Forgotten Temple.

It was a sunny morning at Hyrule Castle, and after breakfast with Randall and Horwell, Princess Zelda's workday began with a call from Goron ambassador Hadon. Unfortunately, the call was far from a cordial one, as the irate ambassador was expressing his displeasure that fewer funds would be available for expanding public transportation and tourism in the Goron City area. Instead, funds were being spent on Dr. Purah's two excavation projects.

"Yes, I hear you, Ambassador Hadon," said Princess Zelda. "There's nothing wrong with either my hearing or my Tab. And yes, I'll mention your concerns to my mother. However, I have responsibility for some of her former duties now, and that's why your call was directed to me. Moreover, I can assure you that my mind is quite made up on this matter, as is my mother's. I'm not finished, Ambassador. As you well know, volcanic activity makes construction in your region more expensive than in other parts of Hyrule. You already receive the largest share of the construction budget, and some feel it's more than you deserve. So please keep that in mind. And, on a personal note, I see no reason for you to be rude. Thank you, and good day to you too!"

The call ended, and Princess Zelda took a deep breath and then exhaled. Her Tab showed it was time for her daily morning briefing with her mother, and so she left at once for her mother's office.

"Are you alright, dear?" Zelda asked as her oldest daughter arrived with her face flush. "Did you run up the stairs? Your face is as red as Death Mountain!"

"That's an apt comparison, Mother," said Princess Zelda, as she sat down still out of breath. "And no, it wasn't the stairs. It was Goron Ambassador, Hadon. He was quite rude! Ignoring his tone, the gist of his gripe is that using funds for Purah's excavation work will delay public transportation construction in his region and hurt their tourism efforts. He raised the usual complaint that we don't know if the excavation work will bear fruit. Anyway, he wanted to know how long we were planning to continue excavation and if any other funds were available to them."

"Here, calm down, sweetheart, and have some tea. I recommend adding some honey."

Zelda poured her daughter a cup of tea, which she took, stirred in some honey, and then took a sip. It helped her regain some of her composure.

"What did you tell Ambassador Hadon?"

"I did my best at first to calm him, Mother, even suggesting they should mine more gems to raise funds themselves. But he said increasing gem supply would only lower gem prices, so they would not benefit all that much, and certainly not enough to replace the funds he feels they are losing."

"Well, there is some truth to that," said Queen Zelda. "But their budget has the most funds to begin with, and construction work near Goron City is painfully slow, anyway. It's ironic in a way. Gorons are quite skilled and efficient at digging and mining but less so at building structures. And it costs extra to hire non-Gorons to work in their intolerable conditions. Besides, I think their tourism expectations are optimistic. There are other more accessible hot springs in Hyrule, and only the most avid thrill-seeker enjoys one of their nerve-rattling mine cart rides."

"Yes, oh wow! I went on one of those mine cart rides with Randall when we were dating, and I swore I would never ride one again," said Princess Zelda. "I thought for sure we would go off the rails and plunge into the lava below."

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