Chapter 10 - Journey to Hateno Village

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The wake-up call came early the next morning, and after breakfast, they were ready to begin the journey to Hateno Village. Without stopping this would be about a six-hour ride, but of course, they planned to rest along the way.

Link went over to speak to the Lieutenant.

"Impa told us to be especially careful during this stage of our trip. She thought there was a reasonable chance a Yiga Clan spy spotted us," said Link.

"Yes, sir. I'll pass that along to the Guards and make sure the squad knows it too," said Gadlin. "Are you and Princess Mipha ready?"

"Yes, let's go," said Link.

They left Kakariko Village at about 7:30 and enjoyed a peaceful ride. They reached and crossed the Kakariko Bridge at 9:30 and decided to continue riding. So far there had been no sign of any trouble. After another hour they passed north of Ash Swamp and reached where Fort Hateno stood in Link's former timeline. The last time Link saw this place it lay in ruins with broken Guardians strewn throughout the field. But now there were only trees and shrubs. The fort had been built to stop a Guardian attack that never happened in this timeline. It was a good time to stop for a rest.

"I hope you're not getting bored with me reminiscing all the time," said Link. "This area has some special significance to me. We just passed Ash Swamp which is where I died battling Guardian Stalkers."

"I understand you need some closure with your past," said Mipha. "And I am interested in what happened to you. But unless you want to see me crying, don't talk about that part again."

"Alright, I'm sorry," said Link.

They finished a light early lunch, and it was time to continue. Lieutenant Gadlin thought they were a little less than three hours ride away from Hateno Village.

The road carried them past some cliffs on one side and the Fir river on the other. They were approaching a part of the path where it squeezed between two cliffs. Link started to feel uneasy. When he was traveling by himself, he preferred to climb cliffs like these and not stick to the road. However, he could not see any trouble, and the squad ahead had apparently passed through here safely shortly before. Nevertheless, he touched his sword to assure himself it was handy.

Mipha noticed his reaction. "Are you alright, Link?" she asked.

"I think so. I don't like where this path is headed between those cliffs up ahead. I think we should be on our guard," he said.

There was still no sign of trouble, though, and it would be difficult to backtrack and scale the cliffs with their horses. They continued to ride ahead.

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound.

"Look out!" the Lieutenant shouted.

Boulders were rolling down from the cliffs above, both ahead of them and behind them. It was a cunning ambush. The stones would prevent their escape along the road, and they would be like fish in a barrel to any archers on the cliffs above. And that was precisely the plan. Four Yiga Clan archers had been hiding above them on the north cliff and started shooting from bows that launched two arrows at a time.

"Use the horses as a shield if necessary," yelled Link. "And hug the north cliff wall." He had pulled Mipha next to him and pushed her behind his horse. The Guards returned fire, but the angle made their shots difficult. The only thing that might help them, Link realized, was that all four Yiga Clan soldiers were on the same north cliff. Apparently, the south cliff did not offer enough concealment to spring their trap. If they too hugged the north cliff wall, the enemy would have a more difficult shot. To target them the Yiga archers would have to lean over the cliff themselves, making them an easier target.

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