Chapter 120 - Underwater Temple - Part 1

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Summary: Mipha chafes at inactivity and decides to act on her own.

It was a week later and a stormy evening in Zora's Domain. Mipha and Link had made love and were now preparing to sleep in their slumber pool. Sudden gusts of wind blew the rain hard against the house, now and then splashing against the windows.

"I know I'm just as wet here as I would be outside in the storm, but it's much cozier in the water here with you, sweetheart," said Link as they held each other.

Mipha leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're funny!" laughed Mipha. "I know you don't remember, but I still recall the time we got caught in the rain, and you had to sit with me while your tunic dried off. You were so shy about it, yet we went swimming so many times together."

"Yes, I don't know how much I remember, but you've told me about it before," said Link. "Sadly, I don't expect any more flashbacks. Whatever I've forgotten about our time together back then is probably lost forever to me. I only have you to tell me about it. But thankfully, we've made plenty of new memories together, and those I will never forget."

"So sweet," said Mipha as she caressed his cheek. "You know, you're very much the same kind-hearted person you always were. But you've become more outspoken now, not afraid to say how you feel anymore. I would say that's the single biggest change I see in you, and it's a good one."

"I think having you and a family helped make me what I am today," said Link. "I do recall how much of a loner I was. Life here with you has fulfilled me in a way I never thought possible. I love you so very much, sweetheart, and I always will."

Mipha smiled, and they kissed again.

"You already know how much I love you," said Mipha. "And I always will too."

A gust of wind blew another splash of rain across the window. They kissed goodnight one more time, then fell asleep in each other's arms to the sound of the storm.

But Mipha had a dream that evening. She began dreaming that she was out swimming, perhaps a consequence of her mind rebelling against her enforced confinement over the past week. She had not been able to leave the house since the attack almost two weeks ago, and her only water contact was the slumber pool. For someone as active as her, it was almost unbearable.

In her dream, Mipha was swimming in Cephla Lake. She hadn't been there in some time, but something had drawn her there. She dove under the water, and before her lay the entrance to an underwater cave, a cave she had visited more than once. She swam through the opening, and the cave shone blue, illuminated by Luminous Stones that lined the two walls. She navigated the twists and turns, finally reaching the end of the cave where a tomb stood. She bowed her head in reverence, for this was the tomb of the famous Zora Princess and Sage, Princess Ruto, whose body had been interred here many ages ago.

And then she imagined she heard the voice of Princess Ruto, and her voice sounded so kind and loving, affectionate even.

"My dear, dear cousin, you have not visited me in some time by your reckoning," the voice of Ruto came into her mind. "I sensed your spirit almost returned to me, and I was prepared to welcome you back. But it seems your time has not yet come."

"No, Princess Ruto, my health recovered," thought Mipha. "But I was harmed by an unseen enemy, and I fear for our people."

"Yes, and it is of that I wish to speak," said Ruto. "In my time, there was a relic called the Lens of Truth. This relic had the power to reveal the invisible, and it now lies deep within an ancient temple. Hyrule and its lands have changed much since my time there, and the temple I speak of is now far away in what you call the Akkala Sea. Seek it, find the Lens of Truth, and much that is hidden may be revealed. Only a Zora can retrieve it. May blessed Nayru continue to watch over you, sweet cousin, and may you have many years of happiness before I welcome you back with me again."

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