Chapter 138 - Toward Step Two

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Summary: Astra and Tara grow closer. Robbie uncovers some useful information from an old Sheikah document. Palan is chosen to assist in a secret mission.

"Can you please tell me that story now, Aunt Astra?" said Tara as she yawned once and let herself into the slumber pool in Lapha's room.

It was early evening in Zora's Domain after a fun-filled day spent with family. Astra was spending a week there and using Lapha's room to sleep. Lapha remained at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab next to Hyrule Castle, busy with Purah and Robbie reading ancient Sheikah documents. Astra had agreed to let Tila's and Linky's daughter, Tara, have a sleepover with her.

"Sure, let me think of one," said Astra. "And Tara, you don't have to call me 'Aunt,' unless your parents insist. I mean, we're less than seven years apart in age, and I feel young to be called an aunt."

"Okay, Astra," said Tara. "I'll tell Mommy and Daddy you like it better. They told me it was polite to call you 'aunt.'"

"It is, I guess, but I like just plain 'Astra' much better," said Astra.

Tara smiled at her and nodded.

"I know Zoras are naturally superb swimmers, Tara, but I never thought you would already be strong enough to pull me up a waterfall," said Astra. "You're amazing!"

"You're not that heavy, Astra, and Mommy said I'm big for my age," said Tara. "I overheard Mommy talking to Daddy, and she said she thinks I'm growing up faster because Daddy is a Hylian."

"I guess that's possible," said Astra as she got ready for bed. "I know what you mean, though. Sometimes I feel like I'm growing up faster too."

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep in the water with me? I don't make waves in my sleep anymore," said Tara.

"I've never done it before, Tara, trying to sleep in the water," said Astra.

"Daddy does it, and he tells Mommy he loves it," said Tara. "So, maybe Hylians like sleeping in water too? You could try it."

"Maybe your Daddy loves it because he can be with your Mommy, and that makes both of them happy," said Astra. "But if you like, I can try sleeping in the water with you tonight. I'll join you and tell you a story. And after you fall asleep, I'll try to fall asleep too. But if I can't, I'll climb out and sleep in the bed here. Okay?"

"Okay, but I think you'll love it once you try it," said Tara.

Astra finished undressing and joined Tara in the slumber pool, taking a minute to get comfortable. She eventually positioned herself, so she floated feet down with her head above the water. Then Tara hooked her arm behind and under Astra's neck, helping her head stay above water and holding her at the same time.

"I'm sorry it's not salt water," said Tara. "Mommy likes it better, and she says it's more comfortable."

"I don't think I could tell the difference unless I swallowed it," said Astra. "Are there any kinds of stories you especially like?"

"I think any kind is okay," said Tara. "Mommy tells me stories about the sea and the animals that live there and things I can see when I'm bigger. Sometimes we play a game when we take turns thinking of an animal, and the other person tries to guess it from clues. Daddy tells me stories about animals and places on land. In some stories, animals talk and act like people, so I know they're just pretending. But I still like them."

"Yes, I know some of those kinds of stories," said Astra. "I like them too. And we can play that guessing game sometimes. My sister Zelda told me a lot of bedtime stories, usually about adventures. Maybe you should be a little older for those, though. Let me think. Do you know the story of the wolf and the squirrel?"

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