Chapter 19 - First Days Family of Four

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Summary: First week with the new babies.

It was a week now since the babies had hatched. The nursery staff were still on hand much of the time and continued to be an essential help. The babies needed new food every two hours, and their food was a mixture of some finely chopped pieces of fresh fish as well as some small live food. The live food was provided to help the babies develop their vision and coordination in trying to catch it, something essential to their natural development. There were filtering devices on each tank to purify the water and keep it fresh and oxygenated. Once every other day, the nursery staff cleaned each tank by hand.

Shortly after the babies hatched, King Dorephan had issued an official announcement to the Zora community and shared it with representatives of the other kingdoms. The language was very formal in keeping with such announcements. Mipha was given her official title and Link his Hylian title.

"The Zora Royal Family is pleased to announce the birth of Princess Mila and Prince Midon, daughter, and son of Her Royal Highness Princess Mipha and Hylian Champion Link. Her Royal Highness and children are all doing well."

The notice went on to give the date of birth, etc. It was understood that the order of the names was the order of their birth, so the line of succession to the throne was clear. As news of the happy occasion spread, congratulatory letters began to arrive.

"We're getting a lot of nice letters of congratulations," said Mipha. "I'll be happy to handle them with a short 'thank you' reply but let me know if there are any you want to add a personal note."

"Alright, thanks," said Link. "Probably just Zelda's. Let me know when you get to that one."

"The nursery staff is a huge help," said Link. "Do you get all this help because you're a princess? How do Zora mothers cope?"

"No, it's not because I'm royalty," said Mipha. "We provide this service to all Zora mothers. You may have noticed we are not a very large community. In the first three weeks, the nursery staff will be there every two hours, day and night, to help feed and care for the babies so the parents can get some rest. As the babies grow larger, they eat more at one time but less often. So that becomes easier for the parents to manage, and the nursery staff starts cutting back on their visits. By the time the babies are three months old, they can be moved to our community nursery pool, where they are watched over together. The parents can visit any time and take them home at any time."

"That's a great service the community provides," said Link.

He was standing by the two tanks again while Mipha sat at the table. He continued to stare at them.

"I can't stop watching our babies swimming around and eating. This is a miracle for me. I think Mila actually stopped once to stare at me for a while," said Link. "Maybe she's beginning to recognize me."

"I love looking at them too," said Mipha. "Having children with you is another dream of mine come true. But I don't think their vision is developed enough yet, beyond the ability to catch nearby food. If Mila did see you, she was probably sizing you up for dinner," laughed Mipha.

"Thanks for the happy thought!" said Link.

"We Zoras are voracious carnivores, you know, especially in the water. Don't you ever notice how hungrily I sometimes look at you when we swim together?" she teased.

"And here I always thought it was a different kind of hunger," said Link.

"It's the thought of that other hunger that quells my appetite. Just a warning to keep me happy," Mipha laughed.

"Sure, scaring me will certainly help!" said Link.

He turned back to watch the babies.

"I see both of them are a lot bigger after only a week."

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