Chapter 64 - Getting Reacquainted

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Summary: It's just a quiet weekend in Zora's Domain as Link adjusts back to being a Hylian, and so does Mipha. Lapha is offered an advanced technology class next term. Tila pays a visit to Mila but takes up a good deal of Linky's time, to Lapha's annoyance. Mila and Lapha discuss Zora/Hylian relationships which gives Lapha a long term idea. Linky enjoys a dance lesson from Tila on the lake.

Mipha and Link both awoke the next morning to the sound of their four children leaving for class. They heard some voices, Lapha saying something and Linky laughing. Then the front door closed and the house was quiet. Link looked over at Mipha, and they smiled at each other.

"Hello, remember me?" said Link. "You know, in some ways, I like that they don't need us anymore in the morning, and in some ways, I don't. Did you sleep well? Oh, and was I normal enough for you last night?"

"Yes, I slept very well," said Mipha as she stroked Link's hair and gently brushed it back. "And I feel as though I'm getting reacquainted with you."

"That's not really a 'yes,'" said Link. "But I guess it's not a 'no' either."

"Well, I'm still a bit unsure," said Mipha, smiling. "Perhaps if we spent more time together I'd know better how I feel."

"I get it," laughed Link. He reached for his Tab which was at the side of their pool. "Anyway, should we get up now? I notice there's a message from earlier this morning that Dr. Manah, Midon's instructor, would like to meet us here after her morning class is over. That will probably be the meeting about Lapha that Midon mentioned. And Mila left a message that Tila is visiting for the weekend, and would like to let her stay in our guest room tonight."

"Tila is welcome to stay with us. But it's still early, and classes are only just starting now," said Mipha. "There's still plenty of time before our meeting. I'd like you to stay here with me now."

"Always happy to," said Link. "You know, I always seem to end up in situations where I've changed somehow, and I have to make you feel comfortable I'm still me."

He reached over, put his arms around her as she put hers around him, and they held each other.

"I'm getting pretty comfortable with you again," said Mipha as she gently ran her fingernails up and down his back. "And I am ever so grateful you learned to sleep in water with me. Whenever I have to sleep on land I realize how hard it must have been for you to adjust. You always put my happiness first."

"You know I can't be happy if you're not. But, um, Mipha, what you're doing now is, um, feels, ..."

"What, sweetheart?" said Mipha. "Don't talk, just kiss me."

Afterward, they relaxed together in each other's arms.

"You really do have a magical touch," said Link. "In more ways than one."

"Happy it still works," said Mipha.

"Should we get up now?" said Link. "Or are we still getting re-acquainted?"

"We can get up," said Mipha. "Do you need help getting dressed, Hylian?"

"You have to start on that already?" laughed Link.

They both got up, Link dressed and they went to the kitchen. There were some fresh trout there, and Link started cooking his. When it was ready, he sat down with Mipha and began eating.

"I don't know what's wrong," said Link after taking two bites. "Does your fish taste alright? Mine is way too dry."

Mipha laughed and clapped her hands.

"Ha! I love it! Being a Zora for a time must have finally improved your taste," said Mipha. "You need to burn your fish less now, or maybe not at all."

"I don't think I'll ever be ready for not at all: not as a Hylian. But I guess less would taste better now."

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