Chapter 72 - Gerudo Rescue

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Summary: Midon and Linky start their third week at Hyrule Castle as Mipha and Link head to North Hyrule. But their plans for a Faron holiday are interrupted once again when a tunnel collapse imperils a squad of Gerudo guards. As their only hope for survival, Mipha takes a drastic step to help with their rescue.

In the north Gerudo Desert past the Karusa Valley, a squad of twelve Gerudo guards was exploring a recently excavated section of the Yiga Clan hideout. The Captain, Farna, was in charge of the team. Exploring and renovating the former Yiga Clan hideout was an ongoing Gerudo project, and was worked on sporadically whenever time and resources were available. The Yiga Clan had used this structure as their main base of operations for many years. It was going on eight years now since the known Yiga Clan had all been destroyed in their failed attack on Hyrule under the disastrous leadership of Dark Link. But their hideout had been complicated to explore. Some areas contained traps, and other areas were hidden. And the Gerudo had other things to occupy their time. So progress exploring all of it was slow.

"This place just goes on and on, doesn't it, Captain?" said Loda, one of the guards as they walked along the newly opened tunnel.

"Yes, it seems so," said Farna. "As soon as we think we found everything, something new is discovered, like this tunnel. This is a very ancient structure of ours that the Yiga occupied, expanded and converted to their own perverted ends. I'm glad we're rid of them."

They proceeded cautiously and single file through the tunnel, Sheikah lanterns they carried illuminating the passageway. The tunnel was tall enough that they did not have to stoop. Every now and then there were some markings carved on the wall but too faded with age and erosion to read.

"Have you told headquarters where we are?" said Farna.

"Yes, our Tabs still work," said Loda. "They are monitoring our location. They said to proceed with caution."

"Yes, that's the standing order, isn't it? laughed Farna. "It almost goes without saying."

They made their way forward for another 30 minutes, and then the tunnel opened up into a cavern. They stopped and pointed their lanterns around. There was nothing noteworthy, just an empty cavern. The tunnel seemed to continue on the other side. They began making their way across the room and had gotten to the midpoint when suddenly there was the sound of scraping rock and sand. The floor gave way beneath them and screams filled the air as the twelve guards found themselves falling into a cavern below amidst the debris of the floor and one of the walls now collapsing above them. There was screaming, moaning and coughing as sand and dust filled the air.

Farna had landed on her side, and she could tell her left leg, and left arm must both be broken. She groaned as she moved slightly and sat up.

"Attention," said Farna after coughing a few times. "Please, call out your names in the usual order and state your condition if you can."

Ten Gerudo guards answered in turn. All said they were hurt by the fall and the debris that fell after them, broken bones and internal injuries being the most common. One guard, Ralza, did not call out. As they shone what lanterns still worked around the cavern, she was found lying dead, a large piece of debris having killed her instantly.

Farna checked her Tab. It was too damaged.

"Does anyone's Tab still work?" shouted Farna.

"Mine works, Captain, but the signal is very weak," said one of the guards. "I already sent out a distress call. I'm not sure it was received."

"Alright," said Farna. "We need to wait for a rescue party. Help each other as best you can in the meantime."

Back at Gerudo Town the communications officer, Elena, noticed a brief distress signal. When she tried to contact the sender, there was no response. She immediately notified the officer on duty.

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