Chapter 77 - Twenty-five Years - Part 1

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Summary: As life returns to normal for now, preparations are underway at Hyrule Castle for the twenty-fifth victory anniversary celebration. But Link suddenly realizes something about North Hyrule.

At Hyrule Castle, Queen Zelda was meeting with the group she had charged with organizing the upcoming celebration of twenty-five years since the victory over Calamity Ganon that had saved Hyrule. It was still over six months away, but an event this large took a good deal of planning. And then, of course, it took quite some time to carry out all the plans.

From the very start, Zelda had always taken a very personal interest in these anniversary events, and not only to bring recognition and honor to those who had achieved it. It was to remind people that what had happened once could, and someday most likely would happen again. At the same time, she wanted the event to be a happy occasion since it was a victory celebration after all.

"It would be nice if this one were even better than the twentieth," said Zelda. "There should be a little time for speeches by the Champions if they wish, and then I want to speak about why I think these events are important. We need to have enough food and drink for everyone, of course, and music too. And everyone enjoys fireworks. I want people to leave happy, remembering what a good time they had, but also remembering why we have it. And leave time for me to have dinner and an evening with the original Champions. That was great fun the last time!"

"Yes, Your Majesty," said the lead planner. "We have taken all that into account and are close to completing our final plans, including assignments as to exactly who is doing what and when. We can submit our plans to you for final approval within two weeks if that is acceptable."

"That would be fine," said Zelda. "Thank you. I know you have all been working hard on this and I appreciate it. Let's meet again in one week to discuss where things stand."

The group all bowed as Zelda rose and left to return to her family. As she walked back to the living quarters, she thought about the Champions. It would be good to see them all again and catch up on what they were doing with their lives. They had all mellowed a bit with age. They were no longer the brash young warriors they were back then, ready to take on anyone and anything. But they were still the same courageous, and generous people on the inside, the ones who had willingly answered her call for help, willing to die if necessary in defense of Hyrule.

Getting together with the original Champions guaranteed a night of fun and laughter. When they were all gathered together like that, the stories would roll from one to another. Then she could relive those days of her youth with them, the times she had spent traveling all over Hyrule, sometimes in the company of her loyal knight. She was smart enough to realize the passage of time had undoubtedly filtered out memories of the many hardships they had endured, the insecurities and fears. She knew her mind was unconsciously selective now, thinking only of the good times they had shared. And that was fine.

But was it coming up on twenty-five years already? The time between the twentieth and now had gone by so fast. Her daughter was the same age now that she was when she started working with Purah on ancient Sheikah technology.

She arrived back in the family living quarters.

"Did your meeting go well, Mother?" said Princess Zelda as she looked up from her Tab.

"Yes, sweetheart, everything is on schedule for the celebration," said Zelda. "I'm looking forward to seeing my old friends again. Are you done with your lessons for today?"

"Yes, Mother, I just finished my science lesson," said Princess Zelda. "Will Uncle Link bring his family to the celebration do you think? It would be nice to see my cousin again. We had a lot of fun together during his time here."

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