Chapter 30 - My Enemy Is My Friend?

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Chapter Summary: All may not be as it seems as Hyrule prepares to surrender to the Yiga Clan and its new-found leader.

Zelda put down the letter, or rather the Yiga Clan ultimatum. Her eyes filled with tears.

"I cannot betray the goddess Hylia," said Zelda. "Her blood runs through my veins. I would rather give up my life than do that."

"I understand," said King Rhoam. "How can we renounce the goddess we have worshiped for generations and destroy her statues? And destroying the ancient Deku tree and betraying the simple Kokiri is just hateful and vindictive."

"And knowing Link, he will never yield his sword," said Zelda. "He will flee and hide out in the wild if necessary. His fighting spirit would never accept these terms."

"But if he does not hand himself in, then you and his family are in jeopardy," said King Dorephan. "He will sacrifice himself rather than let harm come to any of you."

"Let me see the letter," said Rudin. He picked it up and read it.

King Rhoam

This is a formal demand for the surrender of the Kingdom of Hyrule, including the destruction of all statues of your false goddess Hylia. However, we do not wish to cause your people further harm.

Our demands are new, but they reflect our desire for justice from the Hylian oppression of our ancestors of long ago.

You must arrest and detain each Champion. You must disable the Divine Beasts and surrender or destroy all Sheikah developed weaponry. You should understand that these orders apply not only to Hylians but to all races too.

You must kill the evil tree that has helped in the war against our master for so long, known to you as the Deku. The Princess of Hyrule, who caused so much harm to our former leader, must also surrender. You must hand over the so-called sword that seals the darkness. You must reveal any who aided in the hiding of that cursed sword, including any Kokiri.

A copy of your surrender and acceptance of our rule shall be posted in a public place so it can be read. The notice shall include the statement that we mean no harm to your people, wish to be fair, and seek only justice. And from any hardships they have suffered, we wish to offer them relief.

To investigate possible further crimes against Lord Ganon while he was alive, you will provide us a copy of the Hero of Hyrule's journal. As you must know, the so-called Hero of Hyrule is our most hated enemy. Besides killing many of our allies, we believe he was also a thief. His behavior for most of his life has been illegal. If you hand over the Hero of Hyrule promptly for trial and justice, we will spare his wife, Mipha, his family, and your daughter Zelda.

We need your signed agreement to these terms, affixing your royal seal as Hyrule King.

We expect you will accept these terms promptly. Our messenger will return in one week for your answer.

Yiga Clan

"This is pretty bad. Is there really no hope?" said Rudin. "There is no other way to end this and save our people? This surrender is our only option?"

"I do not know," said King Rhoam. "Each day things grow worse. This is an enemy we have never faced before, fear of ourselves. Of course, I do not wish to accept their terms. But if I do not, what will happen to our people? Will they all be destroyed?"

"I do not think the other races will be willing to surrender," said Zelda. "I think they will fight alone if necessary. But it will mean the break-up of our kingdom at first, and their likely eventual destruction but on a longer timescale."

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