Chapter 176 - Hall of Heroes

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Summary: Link fills in some missing parts of his journal. The Forgotten Temple excavation uncovers a hall dedicated to the memory of past Hyrule heroes. Using ancient energy to restore the hall's function leads to an unexpected result for Purah and Robbie.

Two weeks had gone by since Link's last journal entry, and he had used the time to backfill some parts of his journal, as Mila had suggested. Mila herself was away for the day, but the rest of the family was home and getting ready for lunch in the dining area downstairs. Before joining them, Link shared part of his writing with Mipha.

"By the way, I updated part of my journal to describe the afternoon of our engagement day," said Link. "If you have time, could you read it over to see if it agrees with what you remember?"

"We still have some time, and I'm happy to, sweetheart," said Mipha.

Link handed Mipha the manuscript, and she read through it.

Engagement Day

After a sunny morning in Zora's Domain, large gray clouds had rolled in from the Lanayru Sea to the east, finally bursting into a rain shower shortly after lunch. And so, it was a wet afternoon as Mipha and Link held hands and made their way from Hylia's statue down to the plaza level below. Link was wearing the complete set of Zora armor now, and it felt very comfortable.

"You look a little flush, sweetheart," said Mipha. "Let's sit down, relax, and enjoy watching the rain for a while."

"Can you blame me?" said Link as he gently squeezed her hand. "This morning has been incredible! I'm literally floating with joy, Mipha!"

"We say diving with delight, sweetheart, but I know what you mean," laughed Mipha as she pulled his hand toward her, and they shared a quick kiss. "You can gradually learn some Zora expressions. But believe me, I'm right there with you. I keep fearing I will awaken, for I've dreamed of this day for so long."

Link followed Mipha's lead as they scampered up the small waterway that led to one of the gazebo structures. Their arrival disturbed a Bright-Eyed Crab, and they watched it scurry over the side, falling into the water below and out of harm's way. Then they sat down beside each other, shoulders touching and arms around each other.

"By the way, we Zoras believe it's a good omen to have rain on a special day, like the day of a wedding or engagement or hatching," said Mipha. "I'm happy we're starting our life together blessed!"

"I do feel very blessed, and it was fitting we gave thanks to Hylia," said Link. "She is the Goddess of Time, after all. I owe her so much - we both do."

They both sat quietly for a moment and reflected on all that had happened this morning.

The high point, of course, was a visit to Veiled Falls during which they had expressed their love for each other and pledged to marry. Then, after more kisses than either could count, they had shared the exciting news with Mipha's father, King Dorephan, and sought his approval. Upon receiving it, they walked down the steps from the throne room and prayed at Hylia's statue to give thanks and ask for her blessing. Then, at Mipha's eager insistence, Link had tried on the Zora Armor.

Immediately after Link changed into the armor, Mipha had begun adjusting it slightly, tugging at it here and there, and each time stepping back for a better view. It didn't seem to Link that the armor needed any adjustment at all: it fit him like a glove as far as he could tell.

"It feels perfect and very comfortable, sweetheart," Link sighed after Mipha tugged at it yet again.

"Patience, sweetheart! I'm just double-checking the fit," said Mipha as she stepped back to admire it once more and smiled. "It does look perfect if I don't say so myself, and you wear it quite handsomely."

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