Chapter 172 - Digging for Clues - Part 4

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Summary: Sheikah scientist Aldora from North Hyrule joins Purah's team as they prepare their proposal to search for ancient Sheikah artifacts. Mipha and Link spend time at Hyrule Castle.

It was a bright early morning outside the Royal Ancient Tech Lab as North Hyrule Sheikah scientist Aldora walked the grounds and spoke by Tab with Sheikah leader, Saldon.

"Are you comfortable staying there, Aldora?" said Saldon.

"Yes, very comfortable, Master Saldon," said Aldora. "I'm staying in the living quarters next to the main lab."

"Can you tell me where the project stands?"

"It's at the proposal stage now," said Aldora. "Queen Zelda's approval is needed to fund the excavation work, and we are going to work on the formal presentation today. I've reviewed the pictures on the recovered ancient Sheikah device they call a Sheikah Slate, but I don't recognize any of the artifacts Dr. Purah is interested in. In researching our archives, I found no record of them. I wonder why our ancestors did not bring any of those devices to North Hyrule when they fled, or at least bring plans for their construction."

"I can think of two explanations, one of which is troubling and a reason you're there," said Saldon. "The first possibility is that in being forced to flee in haste, perhaps they did not have enough time to collect those items before they left Hyrule. Then the Hyrule army destroyed them. But there is another more troubling possibility. Perhaps they deliberately chose not to bring those items with them because they considered them too powerful. So, they hid them instead."

"You feel hiding them made things safer?" Aldora asked.

"Remember that they were fleeing to an unknown land and could not know what they would find there. They might have feared encountering enemies eager to seize the technology and use it to their advantage. So our ancestors would have been cautious, choosing to hide the most powerful artifacts rather than risking them falling into the wrong hands. That would keep them from both the renegade Sheikah, later called the Yiga Clan, and any unknown enemies. And that would be true of construction plans as well."

"Yes, I can see that is possible," said Aldora. "They could not know the land they fled to was ruled by a peaceful race of Zoras who would wish them no harm. But they were still outcasts in Hyrule and could not safely return for them."

"Exactly, and with no written construction plans, over time, knowledge of these artifacts was lost," said Saldon. "Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. But keep me informed. You understand your role in all this and how critically important it may be?"

"Yes, Master Saldon," said Aldora. "If we uncover anything that could be dangerous, I will intercede to prevent its use."

"Precisely," said Saldon. "I told you, didn't I, that it was actually Dr. Purah's assistant Robbie who contacted me after he learned Dr. Purah asked me for our help. Robbie wanted an additional voice of caution on the team, knowing Dr. Purah's inclination to try first and ask questions later. So we're counting on you to head off any danger."

"I understand, Master Saldon," said Aldora as they ended the call, and Aldora returned to the lab, where Purah welcomed her. She then joined the others.

"We've all got to work hard together and quickly today, as our presentation to Her Majesty is due tomorrow," said Purah. "Let's sit around the large meeting table and begin."

Meanwhile, in Zora's Domain, Link's older daughter Mila was finishing a Tab call with Revali in Rito Village. She had earlier shared a draft of her write-up with him, and, as expected, Revali had suggested some revisions.

"Of course, Master Revali, I will make the changes we agreed to," said Mila. "Do you want to review the revised version after I finish updating it?"

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