Chapter 17 - Yiga Clan Attack

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Summary: The Yiga Clan attack Gerudo Town and Link risks his life while being mindful of his promise to Mipha.

The atmosphere was tense the next morning when the Champions awoke in Urbosa's palace. The Yiga Clan attack would occur later that day, and they were not an enemy to be underestimated. They had caused more than their share of harm in the past, not the least of which was helping to resurrect Ganon the last time. They were masters of Sheikah technology and stealth. There was also the uncertainty of what sort of Guardian mechanism they had created and where they had hidden it.

Urbosa had arranged for food for everyone, but she was no longer with them. Under cover of darkness, she had slipped away and boarded Vah Naboris. The most trusted captains of the Gerudo had been informed of the upcoming attack but were told to keep that knowledge to themselves. They did not want to risk a Yiga Clan spy learning anything.

Link had his Hylian shield and Master Sword ready with him. He also carried a Royal Guard bow and a supply of arrows of various types. Since they planned to remain concealed within the palace until the attack, the disguise was no longer necessary. Link had switched out of his Hylian Vai costume and donned the Desert Voe armor.

There was not a lot of talk among the group. Daruk and Revali were both busy preparing their weapons and making sure they were cleaned and in top condition. Purah and Robbie were working with the Sheikah Slate and doing what they could to test its functionality. Vah Naboris still stood on Spectacle Rock. It would have been better for it to be closer, thought Link, but it was too late now. At least its weaponry had a long range. Another thing Link wondered about was how close the Sheikah Slate needed to be to disable the Yiga Clan Guardian. And for that matter, would the rune work at all?

The time passed slowly. Midday came, and now the attack was expected in one hour. Link again thought about Mipha and the promise he made. He needed to be brave but careful. He could not afford to be reckless. There was no magic healing power here.

The attack came right on time. It began with a screeching sound coming from outside the southeast walls of Gerudo Town. They saw some sand shifting, and then a lump in the sand start to grow. The Yiga Clan's Guardian slowly emerged from the sand. It had been able to secretly burrow underground through the desert sand and hide right outside Gerudo Town. The device took the form of a giant black scorpion, larger than a Guardian Stalker, but much smaller than a Divine Beast. It was digging itself out of the sand with its claws, and soon its ugly head was visible. There were two giant claws in front, and two smaller claws near where a living creature would have its mouth. And instead of eyes, it had what looked like a Guardian energy beam weapon on its face. As the rest of its body emerged from the sand, you could now see it also had a vicious looking tail ending with a sharp hook. It was a frightening looking device, and once free of the sand, it started to advance toward the city walls. Link guessed the fact Gerudo Town was built atop a rock formation prevented the scorpion from burrowing underneath the town itself. But the scorpion Guardian had surprised them. It was much closer to Gerudo Town at the outset of the attack than they had expected. Meanwhile, Vah Naboris came alive and started its way down the mountaintop.

The scorpion kept moving forward and reached the town walls near the Sand Seal compound. It began to batter the walls with its claws. Purah was trying to activate the Sheikah Slate defense rune from her position in the palace but without any effect. He wasn't sure if it was because the device was out of range or the rune didn't work at all. Two more blows from the scorpion claws, and the Guardian breached the wall. The scorpion crawled forward unopposed into Gerudo Town.

Battling the scorpion on foot or in the air was impossible. Its armor was too thick, and the machine was too powerful. He briefly thought about confronting the device with his shield and sword as he had done with Guardian Stalkers in the past, but that seemed reckless even to him.

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