Prequel 2 - Beginning Life In Zora's Domain

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Summary: Mipha and Link begin life together in Zora's Domain. But a visit to Princess Zelda in Hyrule Castle goes anything but as expected.

Part 1 – Zora's Domain

Link stirred in his sleep, then slowly, he opened his eyes, taking in the soft light that bathed Zora's Domain in the early morning hours. Beside him lay Mipha, already awake and gazing at him with an expression that could only be described as pure adoration. Her tender smile warmed his heart as she reached out, her delicate hand running through his tousled hair. He instinctively slid closer to her, wrapping his arm around her lithe form, marveling at how her soft golden eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Silently, he offered his gratitude to the goddess Hylia, a ritual he had found himself performing more and more frequently. His life had been irrevocably changed by the love he found with Mipha, filling him with a happiness he had never thought possible.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep. "Or am I still dreaming? If so, it's a beautiful one."

Mipha giggled, her laughter like the tinkling of gentle rain. "You've become quite the romantic since we married, haven't you? And if this is a dream, I am more than happy to share it with you."

"Did you sleep well?" Link asked, genuine concern lacing his words.

"I slept very well," Mipha reassured him. "And it looks like you did, too."

His fingers traced a gentle path along her vibrant red tail fin, which flowed gracefully from the crown of her head down her back.

"I did. But tonight, it's our turn to sleep in the water, so I know you'll sleep even better," he promised.

A few short weeks ago, Link had been wed to Princess Mipha in a beautiful ceremony within Zora's Domain. Shortly thereafter, the newlyweds departed for a week-long honeymoon in the quaint coastal village of Lurelin. Mipha, the elder of King Dorephan's two children, was a Zora of many talents. In addition to her role as Zora Champion, she was a skilled healer, a compassionate leader, and a formidable combatant with her trusty trident. Her younger brother, Prince Sidon, looked up to her with great admiration, as did the rest of their people.

As a Zora, Mipha was an aquatic creature, possessing both gills and lungs and feeling most at ease when submerged in water. Link, being a Hylian, was more accustomed to sleeping on dry land, preferably in a comfortable bed. To acclimate to their new life together, the couple had agreed to alternate between sleeping in a traditional bed and a pool of water. While Link was still adjusting to the sensation of drifting off while submerged, he knew that Mipha was much happier in her natural environment. So he resolved to make the change permanent, willing to do anything to ensure her happiness. Perhaps they could soon retire their conventional bed altogether, freeing up precious space in their cozy living quarters.

Link's memory remained fragmented after his century-long slumber in the Shrine of Resurrection. Creating a new timeline only further muddled his recollections, leaving him with a confusing blend of real and false memories. For instance, he had to constantly remind himself that he no longer owned a quaint little house in Hateno Village; that was a relic of a timeline in which he no longer lived.

"We should get up now," Mipha gently suggested, her fingers tenderly caressing his cheek one last time. "We have a meeting with Father this morning."

Over a week had passed since their return from their honeymoon, and it was time for Link and Mipha to begin integrating themselves into their new life together. The meeting with King Dorephan would be their first step in determining Link's role within the Zora community.

Together, they shared a light breakfast of cooked fish and rice. Mipha, who had a penchant for fish, could consume it raw or cooked, although she preferred the former. However, when dining with Hylians, she would graciously opt for cooked fish out of consideration for their sensibilities. Link had repeatedly reassured her that he did not mind her eating raw fish as long as he didn't have to partake in it himself.

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