Chapter 73 - Hylian Homecoming

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Summary: Mipha, as a Hylian for now, and Link return from the Gerudo area to Zora's Domain.

"This is fun, but do we need to go so fast?" said Mipha, her arms wrapped tightly around Link as she leaned into his back and sat behind him on the motorized cycle he was driving. They were starting their trip back to Zora's Domain and cruising along at a good speed on the paved lane of the roadway in Gerudo Canyon. Link was pretty skilled at handling the vehicle and negotiated the bends and curves expertly. But Mipha felt a bit nervous.

"It is fun, and it only seems fast sweetheart," said Link. "We're actually going at a very safe speed."

Mipha held tight as the cycle tilted and they followed a bend in the road.

"You know, I don't ever remember you holding me so tightly," said Link. "It feels good, stimulating even. It makes me ..."

"Will you please keep your mind on driving!" said Mipha. "I'm not holding on to you to be romantic."

They leaned left as he negotiated another bend in the road.

"But are you sure you don't find me more attractive now?" said Mipha. "You seem more attentive lately, and more easily stimulated as you put it."

Here comes the fine line, Link thought.

"You're right. I really should concentrate on driving now," said Link.

"You can stop or slow down to answer me," said Mipha.

Link slowed and switched to idea number two, which he had thought of earlier and which was true in any case.

"If I'm more attentive as you put it, it's probably just the circumstances," said Link. "I think you look great either way. And as we all know, looks are superficial anyway. It's the underlying person I love. You fill my life with happiness, and I cherish every moment we're together. You will always mean the world to me, sweetheart. So, please don't worry about how you look."

"That's very sweet," said Mipha as she kissed him on the back of the neck. "But you rehearsed that speech, didn't you? That was a bit much for a spontaneous response from you."

"Well, I did think about it in advance in case it came up," said Link. "I felt you deserved a thoughtful answer. But the answer did come straight from my heart."

"That's what really matters," said Mipha. "It's a nice answer. I'm sorry I keep bringing up how I look, but I feel self-conscious after the change."

Link sped back up.

"You know, we're making pretty good progress," said Link. "But even so it will be lunchtime by the time we reach Gatepost Town. And we'll have to stay overnight someplace, probably Wetland or Riverside Stable."

The ride was exhilarating as they wound their way between the beautiful orange sandstone cliff walls on either side of the road.

"I just can't get over how dry it is around here," said Mipha. "It's picturesque in a barren sort of way. But I could never be comfortable living here, so far away from water."

"Yes," said Link. "The desert is a harsh and unforgiving place. You have to give the Gerudo credit for fashioning a home here. But I did always think there was an aspect of beauty here as well."

"You mean the scenery or all the women in Gerudo Town?" said Mipha.

"The scenery," laughed Link. "But speaking of the women, that Noble Pursuit drink must have gone to your head. You nearly got me in serious trouble with all your fooling around."

"Yes, I'm sorry about that," said Mipha. "I did feel a little light-headed after that drink, and it put me in the mood for some fun. I should have been more cautious. But we got through it alright. And I couldn't stop laughing when you got slapped."

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