Chapter 115 - Teasing Tara

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Summary: Tara starts learning words and charms her family, but shows a mischievous side too! An uneventful Zora council meeting takes place, and there is no further progress in understanding Grendon's research.

It was a sunny morning in Zora's Domain with a brisk but tolerable southerly breeze that caused the branches on the grove of evergreen trees by Mikau Lake to sway. Young Link held his daughter Tara in his arms as he walked about the area. Tila was at home on a Tab call with her sister, Faray, and the rest of the family was either busy or out, so Link had his daughter all to himself for a while.

"Tree," said Link as he held Tara with one arm and touched the trunk of one of the evergreen trees with his other hand.

Tara reached out, touched the tree, and said, "treeeeeeee." Then she looked at her father and smiled.

"Very good!" said Link. "But just say tree, as I did."

"Treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," said Tara stretching it out even more, and then giggling.

"You're so funny!" laughed Link as he gave her a gentle tickle. "I know you can say it right because I heard you say it for Mommy. You just like to tease me, don't you?"

Tara reached out and held her hand against his cheek. Then she giggled again and said, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," over and over.

"Okay, okay," laughed Link lifting her hand from his cheek. "I know I'm your Daddy." Was she the most adorable? Adorable and already a bit mischievous. "Let's take you to the water. I know you like that."

Link walked to the water's edge at Mikau Lake, knelt holding her, and touched the water with his hand saying "water."

Tara reached down to the water with her hand and said, "lake," then giggled again.

"Are you teaching me, or am I teaching you?" laughed Link. "I know it's a lake. I just didn't think you did. Mommy must have taught you that, right?"

Tara didn't answer but smiled as she turned her head and looked into his eyes. Her eyes had that uncanny ability to hold your attention, to make you not want to look away. Tila and both of his sisters had that same effect if they stared at you. There was something about Zora eyes that he found hard to resist.

"I wonder what you are sometimes thinking," said Link. "But let's play in the water now. Or I should say the lake. I dressed expecting to end up in the lake at some point."

Link put Tara down in the shallow water where grass and Fleet-Lotus Seeds grew. Tara took his hand and immediately pulled him to the deeper part of the small lake. Then they swam together as she held one of his hands, taking him into and out of the waterfall and giggling. Then she suddenly spotted a Hyrule Bass. Tara let go of his hand and swam after the fish, catching it after a few twists and turns. Then she turned her back on Link and ate it in a few bites.

"Wow!" said Link. "I think Mommy has been teaching you how to catch fish, and it shows. You swim so fast now!"

Having finished, Tara turned back to face him and said, "Fish."

"Yes, fish, that's very good," said Link. "You're learning words so quickly, Tara."

Just then, Tila emerged from the house, and seeing them in the water, joined them.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy," said Tara as she reached out to Tila.

"How's my precious little girl?" said Tila as she took Tara into her arms and hugged and kissed her.

Tara returned the hug and kiss, holding Tila around the neck.

"She caught a fish quite easily and ate it," said Link. "Her swimming is beautiful. And she's saying more words, too."

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