Chapter 152 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 1

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Summary: Purah and Robbie work to create a Tab rune that mimics a Sheikah Tower shrine activation signal. Monsters attack Hyrule from some Sheikah shrines.

It was a rainy morning at the Royal Ancient Lab near Hyrule Castle the day after Mipha and Link returned from Eventide Island. Intermittent gusts of wind splashed rain against the lab windows, but Purah was paying no attention to it. Robbie watched as Purah moved from one pile of papers to another, flipping through them, then muttering to herself and moving on to the next. Finally, Robbie spoke up.

"What are you looking for, Dr. Purah?"

"Have you seen the Sheikah Tower plans?" Purah asked as she continued to look. "I could have sworn I put them on this side of the lab."

"Give me a moment," said Robbie, getting up. "I think you moved them over to this side. You should try to be better organized, Dr. Purah."

Robbie handed Purah a stack of papers.

"Yes, I know I should," said Purah, shaking her head. "It's just that I have so many ideas in my head at the same time. Help me go over what process the Sheikah Towers use to activate shrines. We want to duplicate that so Link can enter them."

"If I remember right, I think it's toward the back," said Robbie. "It's a special signal."

Purah found what she was looking for.

"Yes, I found it now, thanks," said Purah as she held a page. "This should do the trick. It shows the nature of the signal that the towers transmit to the shrines. We should see if we can recreate that same signal in the lab here first and then reproduce it in the field. No doubt, whatever we come up with won't have the strength or range of a Sheikah Tower, so it will only work locally. It will have to be used while standing near the shrine itself."

Purah and Robbie started looking over the information.

"It doesn't look too difficult," said Robbie as he read the plans over her shoulder. "I think I can develop this pretty quickly. I'm handy with this kind of work. Remember, I built a Tab from scratch? And we can combine the Sheikah Tower activation feature with the Sheikah Slate functionality to unlock the shrine once activated. That way, Link can enter at once."

"You sound very confident," said Purah.

"It shouldn't take me more than a day or two to get this to work. If you don't interrupt me to look for things, that is," said Robbie, and Purah gave him a face.

"That's a bit optimistic, though, isn't it?" said Purah. "You thought your last project would only take a week, and it took three."

"Fine, three days tops," said Robbie. "Let me get to work."

Meanwhile, in Zora's Domain, Lapha was floating near Midon in Mikau Lake and relaxing, enjoying the rain. Midon had been quiet and kept staring at his Tab.

"What are you doing, Midon?" said Lapha finally. "You haven't taken your eyes off your Tab since we ate breakfast."

"Sorry, Laff," said Midon, putting his Tab aside. "I'm watching the view from the top of Eventide Island."

"Hyrule Security at the Castle monitors those cameras," said Lapha. "You needn't check them."

"I'm not looking at it for security," said Midon. "I enjoy the view. You can see so much of the southern Hyrule coastline from there. Don't you ever access remote cameras to enjoy the view?"

"Sometimes, but rarely," said Lapha. "When I do, I prefer the views from the tops of the Sheikah Towers."

"Yes, those are impressive views, too," said Midon. "Are you taking time off from work now or what?"

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