Chapter 99 - Mila's Recognition

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Summary: Mila's North Hyrule history book is published, and Queen Zelda invites her to receive an award and give a lecture at Hyrule Castle.

It was late in the afternoon, and the high-speed ferry from Lurelin Village was cruising smoothly across the Necluda Sea. Mipha and Link were sitting side-by-side. And then the motion of the waves and the gentle hum of the engines had put Link to sleep as he leaned against her. She put her arm around him to steady him and smiled, looking at his handsome boyish face. It brought back memories of a day over thirty years ago at Veiled Falls when he had fallen asleep in her arms much like this. And when he awoke that time something had overcome his stoic demeanor, and he had gazed into her eyes, leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She would never forget that kiss. That beautiful kiss had eased her heart like no other could, erasing her doubts about his feelings and the fear of rejection she had carried with her until then.

Now he gently turned slightly, and she pulled him closer, using her other hand to brush back his soft blonde hair. He slept like that for almost half an hour, then opened his eyes and looked into hers. Then he smiled, that beautiful sweet smile of his that was guaranteed to tug at her heart. He leaned forward, and they kissed.

"It's always nice to wake up in your arms," said Link.

"And it's nice to wake up to a kiss," said Mipha. "You remember the first time you did that?"

"How can I forget, sweetheart," said Link. "I think it was the bravest thing I ever did! And we celebrate it every anniversary we're in the Domain by visiting Veiled Falls. Did I sleep long?"

"About half an hour," said Mipha. "We're coming up on Mapla Point. We should be home soon."

"It was a fun trip, sweetheart. I'm sorry it ended so abruptly," said Link.

"Yes, that was a shame," said Mipha. "But I enjoyed the time we spent there, and it was a nice romantic getaway."

They sat quietly in each other's arms as the boat turned west into Lanayru Bay, then slowed as it approached the pier. As they prepared to disembark, there was a familiar face waiting for them.

"Ah, here is Sidon coming to meet us," said Mipha.

Sidon stood on the pier with two guards.

"Welcome home!" said Sidon. "Sister, I got your message, and I've already instructed Captain Larah to increase Domain security. We monitor all our security cameras anyway and routinely patrol the area. But your message was short. What is this all about?"

"There is a Zora out there somewhere who used an attack click on us," said Mipha. "I don't think they meant to attack us, but they must have wanted a detailed image of us to confirm who we were. It felt like they had an unhealthy interest in us, and I didn't like it."

"No, of course not. That is indeed troubling," said Sidon shaking his head. "A friendly Zora would never do that."

"Exactly. So I thought it wise to return home and increase our Domain security. And none of our family is to be left unguarded if they leave the safety of our Domain," said Mipha.

"As you wish. We need to tell Father about this as well. But what about Tila and Link?" said Sidon. "Are they in any danger?"

"I don't think so," said Mipha. "But I'll let them know about the incident anyway. Tila usually has her own guards when traveling, and Link doesn't travel alone in the water. I suspect that the person's interest is confined to Link and me, else why the need to make so sure it was us?"

"Good point. But who could this be?" said Sidon. "I cannot believe any of our subjects here would wish you ill. You are loved and admired by everyone, and Link is also thought well of."

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