Chapter 50 - A Shadow Arises - Part 7

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A Shadow Arises – Part 7

Summary: Dr. Purah does some high-tech work within a low-tech lab. Mipha insists on visiting Zora's Domain with paradoxical consequences. Mipha and Link place their faith in Hylia and take a chance on an uncertain future.

"We just traveled slightly over eighty-three years into the past," said Purah.

"What!" said Link. "Can you undo it?"

"I can but not right now. This type of rune needs to be specially prepared and, once prepared, can only be used once," said Purah.

Everyone was still, thinking of the implications of what Purah had just said.

"So, it's now forty-five years or so before I was born," said Link.

"None of us is born yet," said Mipha. "You are sure you can you fix this, Dr. Purah?"

"I can fix it. I just need to get an updated rune onto this Sheikah Slate. For that, I need to access the Hyrule Ancient Lab near Hyrule Castle. But we need to be very careful in the meantime. Changing something here can affect the future, including the time we want to return to. We need to limit interactions as much as possible, especially with anyone we suspect had something to do with our ancestors or us."

But Mipha wasn't paying any attention. She was staring off into the distance in the direction of Zora's Domain.

"My father and mother," said Mipha quietly. "They must be young adults now. I would love to see them."

Purah overheard her.

"Seeing them would cause no harm," said Purah. "Having much to do with them would be extremely risky."

"Can you explain why?" said Mipha.

"Because when we return to our time, we want the world to be just as we left it, don't we? I am going to return us to a moment after we traveled here. But if we tamper with events now, it will change the world we return to. It could be better or worse from our perspective, but the outcome can be unpredictable. So, I would urge all of us to be very careful."

"Be honest, Dr. Purah," said Link. "How confident are you of being able to return us to our time?"

"I'm always honest! I'm a scientist! Getting this Sheikah Slate to work with the technology of one hundred years earlier will be challenging. But don't forget I learned a good deal from my future self when you, Link, brought back my notes from 104 years after your Great Calamity. And I've been studying technology from my Sheikah colleagues in North Hyrule. Plus, I'm pretty resourceful. I know I can do it. Now, please give me your Tabs. I may need to use them for parts."

"So, do we all accompany you to the castle now?" said Link.

"No, I need to go alone," said Purah. "The less interaction, the better, remember? I am confident I can get my work done in three days, and we should meet back here then. In the meantime, I can't stress enough how important it is to be careful if we want to return successfully to our own time with as few changes as possible."

"Understood," said Link. "Good luck!"

After collecting their Tabs, Purah headed off toward Hyrule Castle.

"Should we just camp out here and keep to ourselves for three days?" said Link. "I would recommend that to have as little contact with people as possible."

"I would like to see the Domain," said Mipha still looking off into the distance. "I'll be careful. Let me remove my royal headdress and aiguillette before I forget. There, I look like any other Zora now."

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